Facade- Chapter 18

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●My Head Is A Prison
And Nobody Visits●

~Bakugou's POV~

"Kirishima I can't go back to school!" I say as I walk out of the bathroom in my school uniform he had retrieved from my room.

"You can do this Bakugou!" He says, slinging his arm over my shoulders.

"Katsuki." I correct him.

"What?" He pulls away from me.

"It's... Katsuki." I repeat. "Call me Katsuki."

He smiles widely. Showing off his sharp teeth. "Eijirou!" He says in a cheery voice.

"Okay." I nod my head.

"Okay." He does the same.

"I can't do this." I say.

"Come on." He grabs my hand. "I'm right here, okay?"

"O-Okay." I say, nodding my head.


As the Bakusquad, with Mind Freak as our newest member, we walk through the entrance of the school.

Many people look at me.
Some confused.
Some scared.
Some smug.
*cough* monoma *cough*

"Well. Well. Well." We stop as the smug bastard steps in front of us.
"Look who's back from his 'trip.'" He puts air quotes around the word trip.

"Yeah. What's it to you?" I scoff.

"Well, the night before you went on your 'trip' sirens could be heard. Know anything about that?"

"Yup." I nod my head. "I was sitting on the roof with these idiots, and I tripped and fell. Got hurt. Recovery Girl was overseas, so they had to call the hospital."
The night before I had thought up the perfect lie if anyone asked me about the fucking sirens.

"Oh." Copycat bitch says.

"Now if you'll excuse us, we have a class to attend." I push past him as I start walking. Arms at my side.

As I walk past him, I catch him staring at my side.
I look down at my arm.

I didn't have bandages on because I had no new cuts.
And my sleeve was rolling up.

I internally panic, and pull my sleeve down quickly.
My other hand goes to Kiri's and I grip tightly onto him.

He gives me a worried look, but I just stare ahead.
Walking into the school.

We walk through the halls to Class 1-A.

God. I forgot how big this door was. I reach forward and open it.

Reluctantly, I pull my hand from Eijirou's and walk to my seat.
I sit down and cross my ankles on the desk.

"Bakugou!" Iida stomps over. And for once, he isn't waving his arms around. "You shouldn't put your feet on the desk! I've told you this countless times!"

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