Facade- Chapter 10

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●The Tiredness Of My Body
And The Agony Of My Mind
Makes It Difficult For
Me To Even Breathe●

~3rd Person POV~

"We should tell a teacher." Kirishima says once he and Jirou had ice for their wounds.

"No we shouldn't." Kaminari sighs.
They all look at him.

"What do you mean?" Mina asks.

"I mean, he's just gonna lash out again." Kaminari sighs. "I've already violated his trust enough. And besides. If we tell a teacher, the school is just gonna tell his mother. And, as you know because I told you, his mother couldn't care less about her son."

"Okay. Well what do we do then?" Sero asks.
"We try and help him ourselves." Kaminari says.
"And if we can't?" Jirou asks.

"I don't know." Kaminari sighs.

~Bakugou's POV~

God fucking dammit.

Why did I do that?

This is all my fault.
They hate me now.
They never wanna see you again.

You should just do everyone a favor and kill yourself Katsuki.

I look over at my bathroom door from my bed.
I force myself up, and into the bathroom.

I open the cabinet, and pull out two blades.
I pull my shirt off, and raise the blade above my wrist in a downstairs motion.

Come on. Just fucking do it!
Do it you coward!

"Augh!" I scream and throw the blade out of the bathroom.
It hits the wall with a 'thump.'

I walk back to my bed and fall face first onto it.
I wrap my arms around the pillow, and scream into a different pillow.

I scream until I can't anymore.

Which took a while.

Soon I'm practically laying in a puddle of tears.

Sobs racked my body.
My body shook and I felt numb.



I've recovered from my breakdown last night.

I'm fine.

I now stand in my bathroom.
Staring at myself in the mirror.
I look like shit.

I have serious eyebags.
My entire posture was slumped.
My eyes were sunken and devoid of any emotion.
Despite my obvious tiredness.
My waist seemed to be much smaller than before.
Was it the lack of food?

Okay. New mask.
New Facade.

Just... no emotion at all Katsuki.
Don't speak.
Don't even breathe.

Just... be emotionless.

I close my eyes.
And breathe in and out.

When I open them, I don't have any emotion on my face.

Be a robot.
Not human.
No emotion.
Be... nothing.

I grab my bag, and walk out of my room. I decide to take the stairs this time.

When I walk out I start walking straight towards the exit.

I notice Shitty Hair has a black eye.
Your fault.

Jirou was leaning on Mina for support.
All your fault Katsuki.

"Hey Bakugou." I turn and look at Round Face.
Some others were looking over at us.

"What." I say.

"You haven't been eating lately. Aren't you hungry?" She asks.

"You haven't eaten in two weeks. Aren't you?" I ask.
She freezes.

"Bakugou-!" Glasses starts.

I push by him, and start walking out. Ignoring everyone.

~3rd Person POV~

Ochako had her hand over her mouth. Her eyes wide.
She looked like she was gonna cry.

"Ururaka! Are you okay?" Iida asks his girlfriend.
She wraps her arms around him.

Tears had started falling down her face as she hugged him tightly.

"What's wrong with Kachann?" Midoriya asks Kirishima.

Kirishima just shakes his head, and walks back over to the Bakusquad.

Everyone had heard the yelling last night.
They didn't know what they were yelling about. It was quite muffled.

But everyone in Class 1-A knew that the 'Bakusquad' had gotten into an argument with Bakugou.

About what? They dunno.

But it had to have been bad.

Especially because of the black eye Kirishima sported.


Okay so, I never expected anyone to read this.

So when I get a notification that someone added this to their reading list, or commented it literally makes my day.

Especially cause I've been super pressured by my parents lately and they've been forcing me to go to things, even when I look like I'm gonna pass out.

Like last night! We went to a Chinese Buffet. I was wearing my binder mind you.

And then we went to this apartment buildings neighborhood thing, and we were moving a trailer full of shit into an apartment at the very back! And I was still in my fucking binder! I couldn't breathe and they kept saying to just continue moving things and it'll be over quicker.
Like, wtf!?

Anyways, my rant is over!

Again, thanks for giving this a read and adding this to your reading lists and commenting, it literally means the world to me🥺.

Peace Out!


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