Facade- Chapter 9

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●If I Die Don't Cry...
Just Look At The
Sky And Say Goodbye●

~Bakugou's POV~

I had stayed back after school.
I needed some peace and quiet before going back to the dorms.

So now, here I am.
Walking back to the dorms.

It was kinda dark out now.

I walk up the path to the dorms, and walk in. The second I walk in, Shitty Hair grabs my arm.

"We need to talk." He says, bringing me over to the elevator.

"Wha-!? Shitty Hair! The hell is going on!?" I yell.

Some people look over at us, but other than that, nobody tried to really intervene or anything.
What the fuck did I miss!?

He pushes the fourth floor once the elevator doors open.
We stand in silence.
Him still gripping my arm tightly. And it hurts.
The bandages were hastily applied this morning. God fucking dammit.

It hurts.

Once the elevator doors open, he brings me over to the girls side of the dorms.
I notice we're going to Pinky's dorm.

Okay. What the fuck is going on!?

He knocks on the door. And after a moment, it opens.

Everyone from the self-proclaimed 'Bakusquad' is in the room.
He brings me into the room.
I hear him close and lock the door.

My eyes widen when I look at the things on the bed.
Kaminari looked terrified.
And the rest of them had looks of pity on their face.

"What. The. Hell." I ask.

My blades.
My drugs.
My drinks.
My cigarettes.

They were all on the bed.

No. This is bad.

"Pikachu. What the hell?" I growl out through gritted teeth.

"I-I can explain!" He says.

"You fucking better!" I yell.

"They were all worried! And they noticed we were getting closer! And they came to ask me if I knew what was going on!" He says.

"So you fucking told them!?" I yell.

"I didn't have a choice!" He throws his hands up in defense.

"Yes you fucking did!" I yell. "You could've told them I was fine! I fucking trusted you with personal information! And you go and violate that trust by telling everyone!?"

"Bakugou! We're worried about you!" Pinky says.

"I don't give a flying fuck if you're worried! Pikachu here violated my trust! He told you all things I didn't want you all to know!"

"Bakubro! We care! We wanna help you!" Shitty Hair says.

"Don't fucking call me that Shitty Hair! I don't give a damn. I don't need, nor want, your help!"

"You may not want it, but you do need it Bakugou!" Tape Arm says.

"No I don't!" I set off explosions in my hands. "Stay the fuck away from me okay!? I fucking hate you all!"

No. No. I don't. Please. Don't leave.

"Bakugou! We want to help." Earjack says. She tries walking towards me.

When she's in front of me I grab her arm and flip her over my shoulder. I slam her into the ground.
She yells in pain.

"Stay. The fuck. Away from me." I growl.
I let her go, and stand up straight.
I start walking out, but Shitty Hair grabs my shoulder.
I turn and punch him.
He doesn't have time to use his Quirk, and he falls back. I look at my fist.



"Stay. Away." I growl.

Then, I walk out.


Is that a successful Cliffhanger?

I dunno.

Anyways, peace out!


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