Facade- Chapter 17

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●I'm Not Afraid Of
Monsters Anymore
That's What Happens
When You Become One●

~Bakugou's POV~

I walked into my 'home.'
My head hung low.

I knew what was awaiting me.

The report cards had come out.

And... I got a D in math.

Our grades had been emailed to our parents.

"Katsuki!" I froze as I tried sneaking up to my room.
I slowly turn around.

"Y-Yes?" I whispered.

"Speak up brat!" She yelled, striking me across the face.

"Yes?" I asked a little louder.

"Tell me why you got a D in math!?" She yelled, hands on her hips.

"I... I don't know." I stuttered out weakly.

"How do you not know!?" She yelled.

"I..." I was thrown to the ground as she slapped me again.

"Idiot!" She yelled. "You think you can be a Hero with these types of grades!? The best you could ever be is a waiter!"

"S... Stop." I whispered, struggling to stand back up.

"What was that!?" She yelled.

"Stop!" I yelled, a boost of confidence flowing through me.

It disappeared the moment I looked up at the pissed off face of my mother.
She pulled me up by my hair and then threw me back down.

"Don't ever speak back to me. Monster." She spat.
"Then maybe stop being such an abusive ass!" I regrettably yelled.

She pulled me up and threw me again.
I yelled in pain as my back came in contact with the wall behind me.

"Don't." She kicked me in the stomach.
"Ever." A kick to the face that was failing to be covered by my arms.
"Talk back." I was dragged up and throw again.
"To me." She pulled me up and slapped me.
"Monster." I was now getting repeatedly kicked and punched on the ground.

"Go to your room." I didn't move due to the pain. "Now!"

Out of fear, I stood up and ran the best that I could.


"Katsuki!" I felt Kirishima trying to shake me awake.

I shoot up and look at him wide eyes.
I could feel the tears on my face.

"What... what happened?" I ask Kirishima.

"You were crying in your sleep and moving around a lot. I wanted... I tried waking you up but... you wouldn't wake up." Kirishima sighs in relief. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I push him away and fall back down onto the bed.
I pull the blanket over me.


"I'm fine, okay!? Ever since I got back, all anyone's been asking me is 'are you okay?' And 'where'd you go?' I'm not weak! I can take care of myself! I'm. Fine!"

"Katsuki we know that!" Kirishima says. What? "We're worried is all. You tried killing yourself! You almost died! We're worried! You're our friend!"

"I just want everything to go back to the way it was before! When... when nobody worried for me!" I yell, sitting up.

"Katsuki. It's not gonna go back like that. Not now. Not when they just found out that you're alive after two weeks of constant worry!"

"Who found me?"


"Who. Found. Me?"

There's a pause.
And then...

"Mina." He sighs.

"No." I drop my head in my hands. "I'm such a fucking idiot!"

"No you're not!" He says.
"You're not an idiot! Anybody could've found you! I could've found you! Hell! Ururaka could've found you! You didn't know!"

"Does anybody at school know?" I ask. "Does... the media know or anything? About what I did?"

"No." He shakes his head.
"Almost the entire school heard the sirens. But they don't know. As for you not showing up to school, we spread the lie that you were on a trip with your family."

"Good." I say. "The last thing I need is everyone in school knowing how fucking weak I am."

"I don't know what it's gonna take to convince you, but you aren't weak Katsuki." He smiles warmly at me.

"Yeah. Whatever." I shrug.
Then I fall back onto the bed.

"Just... go back to sleep Shitty Hair." I growl.

"Okay." He says.
I feel the bed sink next to me.

And then a pair of arms wrap around my waist.
"I love you." I hear Kirishima whisper quietly.

If he meant for me to hear or not, I have no clue. But I did.
And I'm as red as his hair now.

"Idiot." I mumble as I lean into his arms. Feeling safer than I ever have before.


I've been going on a binge read of Bakugou Angst.

Like, I scrolled for like, an hour or so, through the Bakugouangst and AngstBakugou tag on Tiktok.

I specifically looked up AMV's of Bakugou with any sad song.

I've been reading anything that has Angst and Bakugou in the tags on Wattpad.

If anyone has any good stories I could read with Bakugou angst, drop them in the comments PLEASE.

Anyways, Peace Out!


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