Facade- Chapter 4

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●Sometimes All You Can Do
Is Smile, Move On With
Your Day, Hold Back Your
Tears And Pretend
That You Are Okay●

~Bakugou's POV~

I'm so tired. I got like, 20 minutes of sleep last night.

You've got this Katsuki. Just walk up to the door, walk in, and ask if they did some room check.

If they didn't, you're in the clear.
If they did, you're in so much trouble. Oh god. What if they did!? And what if they tell the old hag!? She's gonna fucking kill me! I can't do this! I can't do this! I've gotta leave! Come on! Move your fucking legs Katsuki!

"Bakugou?" I jump, and look up at Present Mic. He's standing in the doorway to the teachers lounge. The door is open and he's leaning against the wall. "Do you need something?"

"Is Aizawa here?" I blurt out.
You fucking idiot! Why did you ask!? You're in so much trouble now! They're gonna expel you! The old hag is gonna fine out! She's gonna fucking kill you!

"Yeah. Come in." He says. "Oh and close the door behind you."

"K." I say. If I say anything else, I'm gonna break down. I walk into the teachers lounge and close the door behind me. I look at the teachers in the room.

Aizawa. All Might. Present Mic. Ectoplasm. And Midnight.

"Bakugou. Over here." I hear Aizawa say. I walk over to where he is, and sit in the chair in front of him. "So? What is it?" He asks.

"Well... I was wondering if the school did some type of room check for the dorms." I say. My hearts beating so fast. I feel like I'm gonna throw up. "And I just noticed... some things of mine... we're uh... missing. So... did the school do a dorm check?"

Oh god. I can feel the other teachers eyes on me. I stick my hands into my pocket to hide my shaking hands. My legs keep bouncing in fear and anxiety.

"Yes. The school did a dorm check." Aizawa says. No. No. No.

I'm screwed. She's gonna kill me. I'm gonna get expelled. Everyone is gonna find out how fucking weak you are! Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"What was missing?" Aizawa asks.

Oh god. I can't tell the truth. Not in front of all these teachers. What do I say!? Come on! Think of something Katsuki!

Suddenly the bell rings.

Oh thank god. Saved by the bell.

"I-I should ge-get to class." I say, standing up and starting to walk out. The second I close the door behind me, I start walking fast.

Don't turn around. Don't turn around. Don't turn around.

~3rd Person POV~

"What did you find in his room Aizawa?" All Might asks once Bakugou is gone.

Aizawa sighs. "Nothing. The school didn't do a dorms check."

"Then... what happened?" Ectoplasm asks.

"No clue. I'm guessing he had something in his room. Possibly drugs or something." Aizawa says.

"Drugs!?" All Might exclaims. "Young Bakugou is an A+ student, he would never do drugs."

"Recently his grades have been slipping. He falls asleep in class way to often. He gets jumpy. Especially around Iida when he's waving his arms around. And, he's gotten weaker. Yesterday, when I had them going against eachother 1v1, Kirishima hit Bakugou three times and he was down. And he fucking gave up." Aizawa says.

"Abuse?" Present Mic inquiries at the Iida and his hand movements.

"Hunger? Self-harm? Lack of sleep? All of those could go into the factor of him becoming weaker." Midnight says.

"Has his other classmates noticed?" All Might asks.

"No. And I don't think he wants them to." Aizawa sighs. "We should definitely look into this."

"I don't get it though. Bakugou is so... strong." All Might says.

"So were you." Aizawa says. "But everytime you upheld that form, you hurt yourself mentally and physically. Maybe that's what's happening to him...?"

"It could be." Ectoplasm says.



Who do you think went through Bakugou's room and found his blades and drinks?
(Hint: The person is apart of the Bakusquad(Not Kiri))

Anyways, Peace Out!


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