Facade- Chapter 16

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●I'd Chose The Pain Of
A Thousand Broken
Bones Over Depression●

~Bakugou's POV~

We had just gotten back from shopping.

Everyone had arms full of bags and then some.

"That was so much fun!" Pink Cheeks exclaims.

"What did you get Izuku?" Icyhot asks Deku.

"I'm just gonna take a wild guess." I say. "Hundreds of All Might figurines."

"Like you weren't gonna get the same thing!" He fires back. "But then you decided to order a special-made sweatshirt."

"Special-made?" Mina asks.

"Deku. I'm warning ya. Shut the hell up." I growl.

He just laughs, and turns to Icyhot.

"I see you haven't changed one bit." Bird brains says.

"Yeah! And I missed out two weeks! Get ready to hear those nicknames a lot more!" I yell.

"Ah! The attack of the nicknames!" Lightning Dolt jokes.

We all fall into laughter.
I just crack a small smile.

"We should all probably put our things in our dorms. And go to sleep. After all, it is getting pretty late." Glasses says.

"Yeah." I decide to take the stairs. Not wanting to be squished into an elevator. Kirishima walks with me up to the fourth floor.

"Goodnight Bakubro!" He calls as he walks into his dorm.

"Yeah yeah." I roll my eyes.

I walk over to my room.

And open the door.

Nothing's changed.

They cleaned the carpet.
Of my blood.

My blood.

I drop my things to the floor.

I can't... god. I can't breathe.

I can't do this.

But I can't move!

Come on! Stupid legs! Move!

I grunt in pain as I feel my knees hit the floor.
I drop my head in my hands.
Sobs racking my body.

A pair of arms wrap around me.

"Hey. It's okay." Kirishima whispers into my ear.

"Can I... can I sleep in your room tonight?" I ask once he pulls away.
"I-I know! It's stupid! But I... I-"

"Yes." He interrupts me.
"Yes." He hugs me tightly.

"Okay." I nod my head.

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