Facade- Chapter 14

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Are Worse
Than Monsters●

~Bakugou's POV~

I fell asleep.

I don't know how long I was asleep for. But when I was... at least able to hear, I heard Kirishima.

I think he's alone.

Nobody else has spoken.

"Hey. Bakugou." Kirishima starts. "It's been... two weeks. I uh... miss you. This is stupid." A dry laugh. "I just thought... if I could at least pretend you could hear me, that'd be enough, y'know? I... like you. As well. I've liked you for a while. For so... so long. I just... the doctors said there's a low chance you're gonna wake up. I... yelled at Aizawa for even considering on pulling the plug. The doctors had said it was better then holding onto the hope that you'll wake up. They said... if you don't wake up... in three days. Or at least show signs of being awake... they'll pull the plug. Your mother already said it was okay. But I guess that's because she doesn't even care. So please... come back to us. Stay alive... please. Come back to us. Come back to me. We need you. I need you! I don't wanna lose you. Not again. I love you."

A pair of cold lips connect with mine.

I muster up some strength, and weakly kiss back.
A warm feeling fills my body.

The warm feeling leaves almost immediately as he pulls away.

"Bakugou?" He whispers.
So much hope in that voice.

Come on. Stupid mouth! Speak!
Fucking speak you idiot!

"Eijirou." A womans voice interrupts. "We've gotta go."

There's a few seconds of silence.

"Okay ma." I hear the sound of a chair scraping on the floor, and a pair of footsteps walking away.

Three days!?

No. I don't wanna leave.
Not now. Not anymore.

Please! Let me... live. Please.

I'm praying to whatever entity there is out there. Let me live. Let me speak!
Please. To anyone who's listening...
Allow me to live. Please.


I think it's been maybe...
Two days? Or something.

I woke up. I sat up.
But it was the middle of the night.
Nobody was around.
There was nothing to write on to indicate I had woken up.
And I was to weak to move from the bed. Or yell out to get attention from anyone in the hallway.

So now, I just lay here.
Eyes closed.
I didn't have the strength to do that again. I passed out almost immediately afterwards.

"We can't pull the plug!" A voice yells as I hear footsteps walk into the room.

"Kirishima. I get that he's your bestfriend, but it's been two weeks!" Aizawa's sharp voice cuts through the air. "I hate it as much as you do! But holding onto the hope that he's gonna wake up is just torture!"

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