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Tried to find the best Damian looking real life version he looks something like this but a bit more older looks looking

This book is crap so I warned u not to read it but u still can I did another better,greater fabulous version it's called Wayne Mayhem~

Silence,silence is all I heard why is it always silence,darkness,loneliness and the horrible voice of the demon who still haunts me in my sleep/Stilesss~

I finally decided to get out of my gloomy apartment and take a trip down Gotham's streets yes yes I know I moved after the nigotsune  my friends,family,pack left me and my dad thought it was the time that I got away from it all I mean I don't blame him.
Now here I am climbing my apartment building staring at the civilians as they walk by,letting the breeze wish my hair back and forth as my denim jacket floats around me but my peace-fullness what interrupted by....

Damian POV
After having a full blown argument with my sibling and father,I mean I got too many of them here let me name you all of them Me,Dick,Jason(or Todd)and Tim I mean it might not seem so many but bloody hell are they annoying Dick's Oldest he's 24 old blooder he is,Jason's 22,Tim is either 20 or 21 I forgot because he doesn't like celebrating his birthday and me right here I am 18 years old big number and nearly becoming 19 Jesus Christ on a cracker I'm old well I'm becoming old,ugh I don't want wrinkles...

So to blown some steam off after that heated argument about who's suit is better I decided to jump out of the kitchen window screaming
!CHOW! On my way down I strolled well technically patrolled Gotham going three all the hotspots well that's where most criminals are but I decided to go to the south side I mean don't get me wrong Gotham's not that bad until you go to the South side it just screams 'BAD GUYS'so as being me I strolled there until I found a few peasants stealing an old lady whilst going threw the fire exit.
These weirdos wore:Black tops and masks with Black and white striped  pants like are they okay there just the centre of attention,I left them for a bit wondering where there going because i really wanna know what goes threw people's mind when they steal an old lady like how low can you get.

Left them for a bit I turned around for a split second A SPLIT SECOND and here they were running towards a boy who was just,um-admiring the view?no clue I mean he did look peaceful he had Brunette hair with whisky brown eyes that melted into honey.
Noticing they had a Pistol I grappled hooked there screaming at the boy as I flipped and head locked the first guy,as he passed out I glanced to my right to see the shorter teen with an arm over his shoulder and a gun pointed to his head he trembled in the persons arms as he sneered to me"Little fucker come closer and I swear down the next bullet is going right threw this kids brain".

Stiles POV
My peacefulness was interrupted by a couple of weirdos running to me noticing they had a gun I tried to get away but two muscular long arms wrapped around me one on my shoulder and the other on my waist with a dark,cold silver gun to my head he threatened the guy in the mask in front of me who beat down the first man,I got one more glance at the masked vigilante and it was Robin,WAIT NOT ANY IT WAS DAMIAN I RECOGNISE HIM BUT HIS RED HOOD AND KATANAS.As I eternally screamed mentally I decided to ease the tension with one of my sarcastic remarks I mean you can't blame me sarcasm is my defence mechanism,As I scoffed I spat out to the bad guy"Kinky~,do you want me to call you daddy?"here I thought he was going to laugh or even chuckle but nope Robin in front of me just gave me an amused and weird out look and the bad guy was probably scowling I mean I can feel the vibe I get from him....

Damian's POV
Rising from the ground the boy in-front of me spoke up but here I thought he was going to say the normal who's is'helps oh please help or save me'but no this interesting brunette said"Kinky~,do you want me to call you daddy"I mean I kept my laugh in with a cough then dropped my weapons usually I would've let him killed the boy but for some reason I found him interesting but I just don't know why can't get my finger on it.
The man scoffed"Yeah that's what I thought"as he said that he stabbed the poor boy in the shoulder as he helped in pain the man was about to shoot him so I ran and grabbed the boy pushing him to the ground along with me going on top of him,but before I could get off the brunette the scumbag ran off and didn't even take his partner in crime.

The boy coughed in awkwardness as he stuttered to me"u-uh um c-could y-you pl-please g-get of-f me"I turned back around to face him with our faces inches apart, I felt his hot breath flow onto my face,then I realised that I was still on top of him so gracefully got to my feet offering him a hand which he took reluctantly and squealed which was honestly cute because he sounded like a girl.

Stiles POV
Omg,,omg I just squealed like a girl it wasn't my fault my shoulder is killing me but I did it to the one of the most famous vigilantes there is,covering my face in embarrassment with my hands I winced at the sudden pain so he gave me soft green eyes"Want me to take you to the hospital because you might want to check that out but I don't have to come if ya don't want to",the hospital no no can't go back there as my heart raced my breaths became breathless I took a step back remembering all off the thing I did at the hospital I-I'm a monster can't go back I won't I won't...

My legs trembled along with my hands and arms as I let the hot tears stream down my cheeks and I stumbled to my knees suddenly feeling two large hands on my shoulders saying drowned out words,repeating all the flashbacks of me killing no murdering in cold blood of my friends and civilians I felt my head go onto a soft but muscular wall I think I think it was his chest,listening to his steady heart beat I took a deep breath letting my conscious come back to reality as I heard some of his words"Hey,Hey,Hey you're safe if you don't wanna go to the hospital that's fine with me"
I nodded reluctantly wiping the tears off of my face with the back off my hands as he steadied me up onto my feet"I-I'm s-sorry"I stirred our as I put my head down in shame,but he scoffed"Ay no problem but where do you live so I can bandage you up and of course gotta tell me Your name","okay f-follow me"as we carefully climbed down the ladder well I did because he just jumped 3 story's down  and landed on his legs"Show off"I mumbled but I'm pretty sure he heard me because he started chuckling,so after that I  led him to my apartment room which was 218.

Damian's POV
Going into his apartment it was actually nice but not big:Had creamy coloured walls with a Brand new large Tv and A Grey couch,in the further corner there was a Modern looking kitchen it was nice but there was two door probably one led to his bedroom and toilet,he's probably new here in Gotham..
I sat him down on the couch where I asked where the first aid kit if he had one which luckily he had and he pointed it the first brown oak door and said it was under the cupboard sink  which I gratefully took and came back..

Lightly gripping the black knife I told him to hold his breath which he obliged and when he did I yanked it out and he groaned "Fuck me on a pogo stick,that hurt",I chuckled at his antics,I told him to take off his T-Shirt and Jacket which he was embarrassingly took off and blushed which I gave him my famous smirk but his chest was nice it was soft and pale he wasn't muscular or anything he was scrawny I mean look at me compared to him I'm packed up then you see him you could break his arms easily...

Bandaging him up i decided to interrogate him"So then what ya name chappio!",
"Um it's Stiles"
"Stiles what's a stiles?"
He chuckled and responded"People always say that it's a nick name for me my real name is hard to pronounce it's polish by the way so you could either call me Stiles or Mischief because that's what people go me by"
"Right then Stiles,did you only just move here"
"Yeah moves about two weeks ago or something"
Furrowing my eyebrows because who moved it Gotham"Why did you move then?"as I said that he tensed up but quickly shook it off and replied
"Ya know wanted a break and decided to start somewhere new and fresh"
Obviously a lie but I won't budge any further,so I slapped his wounded shoulder and got to my feet,he winced when I did it and muttered"You're a dick you know that"
"I know"I replied smugly
"Well ima go Stiles and my names Damian but I think you already knew that"as I went he said thank you and bye soo whipped out of there going back to the mansion with the boy curiously on my mind like why is he here?,I bet he had secrets?........

Was trying to find a Damian and Stiles fan fic but I couldn't so I decided to make one I hope you enjoy this story and this chapter
Oh and by the way Damian's talker than stiles and stiles is 18 going to be p.s srry for any grammar thank u bye~

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