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"Agh"Stiles Screamed for the fifth time,it was a full moon and somehow strangely stiles could feel the pull of the bright moon that illuminated the dark stage.

"Come on,just change for me Sweetie"His Mother cooed at him,as she circled the teen like her prey.

"In your dreams"

Was the last Three words he said before more electricity hit his skin,it burnt and scarred over,his healing factors kicked in until a blade of some sort embedded into his torso.

He screamed,this blade has an orange substance that entered his blood stream and made him feel like a thousand pins kept prickling his tender skin.

"Fuck"Stiles muttered looking up at the glass roof noticing a bird,he smiled at the Robin before looking at the moon that now was on full show.

The last grey could moved from the moon and Stiles eyes glowed a bright violet,his lanky fingers sparked a bright blue electricity,it danced from finger to finger,the pull was irresistible.

He had 40 urges to go outside and soak up the bright inviting light.

And that's what he'll do...

Like right now.

Stiles deeply growled,an inhuman growl and bared his sharp canines that sprouted from his gums.
Next,feeing he felt was a sharp pain that ran threw his figure.

Bones snapping and re-shifting,DNA changing and forming into an animalistic gene.

There stood on all fours was a Raven-haired panther,the animals eyes were a bright purple and his claws were Ocean blue that lit up the ground and curled in on themselves.

But that was not the problem..

The problem was how the talons shot out spark of electricity that electrocuted the metal bars.His Tail was long and wrapped around a Bar and soaked up the Power he emitted.

This Black Panther was Bigger than any normal one,it was about half size of a Jeep.

It roared making the crowd cheer,Its teeth bared as a green liquid dropped from his two front fangs that were sharper than usual.

"Now,now everyone calm"

"As you can see this is my Chimera.."

"Panther,Snake and Eagle"

"It's Talons are from an Eagles and can produce Electricity,His two front fangs emit a liquid that can paralyse and slowly kill a victim but the Panther side,is his Figure,Strength and size"Claudia informed looking impressed at the Newly created Experiment.

"Please,send in the other Subject"She says to the guard as he holds in a little speaker and Inaudibly says something to the other side who agrees.

Next thing you know,a Girl about 7 years old gets grabbed from the back stage.

This girl was small,tied up with a metal collar,the girl had Green eyes,Blonde pixie hair.

The most inhuman on her was the Kanima tail that flicker side to side,he feet were Lions paws and the small wings on her back were Falcons.

She cried,sobbed and pleaded at the men that pushed her into the same claustrophobic cage.

Lila,the girls name squealed at the beast,who  stood in front of her,in a stance ready to pounce was at his next prey.

"Bloodlust,key factor for my Monster,it takes up all the other emotions and urges"

As if on cue,the Panther chimera pounced At Lila as she swiped her small but deadly claws at him.

The Panther howled in pain and stumbled back to the side,glancing at the gash on his side.

Stiles got so,so,so angry and launched roaring as electric shot from his talons and sparked up the cage making Lila scream as the painful shocks filled her body.With her distracted he took his chance to slash her breasts.

Stiles,landed on all fours his now body shooting electricity everywhere,it gave his outline figure a soft blue glow.

The Panther circled his prey snapping his teeth at the little girl making her flinch and curl in on herself every time.
The chimera wanted to savour it's first deadly kill,there was no more stiles,only the Panther side and it's other beasts.

It got bored easily seeing as she didn't make a move,so it enclosed his teeth around her neck and chomped,bit and slashed at her, having the pleasurable feeling of the crimson liquid poor into his mouth.

Soon,she laid dead as her now lifeless cold green eyes bared into the purple ones that towered over her.

Everyone laughed,betted on who won,Stiles won his glowing eyes dying down to his amber ones.

He blinked away his fuzzy vision and collapsed to the floor,still in his animal form.

Stiles,cried and continually apologised in his thoughts'Im sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm a monster,what did I do,You didn't deserve that,I couldn't control myself..........again'

His Panther form curled around the dead body,trying to protect her from nothing but himself.

Mischiefs bones shifted and DNA placed back to its original cells.

Now he curled in on himself as blood smeared everywhere,he didn't even care about the pain on his Torso as it healed over making a scar appear from the wound.

Warm tears flowed down his pale cheeks as he splurged up blood and remaining flesh from his mouth,grimacing at the metallic taste it left.

He heard his name calling,the shouts and screams but didn't care as he stared at the metal cold floor crying to himself,he killed an innocent girl because he couldn't control it because he is weak.

Stiles didn't even notice how warm calloused hands gripped under his arm pits and holstered him up,he lent on the Taller,muscular figure and agreed to succumb into a peaceful sleep.

(Hope you enjoyed,sorry for any grammar I'll fix it later but first I need to write another chapter on a different book~Thank u for reading plz comment if u like-peace out)

StilesXDamian//TW and Batman crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now