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Lights out,Erring Silence,Creepy vibe and the sound of Sharpening knifes.

Is all it needed to be a Horror movie...

Bruce,Jason,Damian and Tim where there with there facades on,right next to the other league members.

They all glanced about wearily and briefly flicked their eyes up to Dick and Barbara who are perched up in the Air vents and the Green robin that Sat on the glass roof.

Bright illuminating lights flashed on not making anyone move a beat,especially Tim seeing as he spends half of his time in a dark room with lights everywhere and red string that he countably trips upon.

Wasn't his fault really...

Had loads of Work to do...

But now wasn't the time,seeing at the Head of The Court Of Owls walked on the stage with a determined,serious walk and stood at the top of the trap door.

"HELLO~"Out Came a Male screechy voice that almost everyone knew it was fake.


"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I REVEAL MY SUBJECT"The Male voice ring threw the microphone that connected to her pointy ear.

The Male wasted no time,stepping off the trap door as it opened and slowly rose.

And their hung up was a Teen no More or no less than 17,Tied by electrical metal chains with his wrists and feet tied.

And a huge thick metal bars that encaged the Son.

Most cheered,most gasped but not the Wayne's they growled in annoyance,especially Damian seeing as he tried to jump up from his leathered chair but got pushed back down by the hand of his Father,Bruce.

An electrical sound echoed across the building as a piercing blood-curdling scream awoke from the Boy's mouth.

He spat out blood onto the metal floor and watched as a guy in a suit and Owl mask retreated his 1000 volt buzzer.

Stiles was going to rip his throat out with his teeth.

God,he sounds like SourWolf

And what was with this Anger all the time and outbursts,oh and don't forget the aches all round especially his jaw and gums,he better not turn into a Vampire off of The Vampire Diaries,Or The Originals,Nu Uh No sir,No Thank you!

Stiles groaned and squinted as the blinding Neon blue eyes flashed in his Honey brown ones.

Stiles visioned blurred as tears clouded his eyes from the pain endurance from the bastard that shocked him half awake.
'Click'A soft sound made as the woman in-front of him with curly shoulder length brown hair took off her Owl mask to reveal her true identity....

"M-mum!"Stiles raspy voice echoed as the audience around them gasped and murmured,The Wayne's though sighed,Yet again of course the Innocent Child of a Psychopath was always the Victim.

"I'm gunna slice her throat and watch her bleed out"The blood Son to Bruce murmured to himself not noticing how Jason catches it and snickered,already knowing why Damian was so eager to save this boy,I mean he is cute but not his type.

Although that deputy was his type with his Firewood smell with a cosy and protective Allure that felt like home to Jason.

But the best bit about the man was his Ocean blue eyes that hint a soft glow to them.

Jason will make it his Job to claim him,even if he plays hard to get.

Meanwhile Stiles was practically Sobbing now,hanging his head low,already feeling lied and betrayed spike through his body.

Everything he knew was crumbling down,the walls he built over the years,destroyed and scattered across the landscape of his mind.

Everything is changing,the tables are turning and The conqueror has made a checkmate..

Or has she?

StilesXDamian//TW and Batman crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now