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Damian's POV

"Are we done yet?"I asked for the 5th time wait no 7th Hmm I think it was 20th yeh probably more than that "Hacking Demon Spawn takes precision and time so wait"Tim responds as I mimic behind his back until he glares at me "Ugh fine we've been here for 10 hours"
"No we haven't it's been 5 minutes Damian"
"Still counts"
"Really dosent"
"Does Not"
"WILL you guys stop yapping and get it done because at this rate we won't be saving that boy or anyone for a matter of fact"Dick speaks up from the Conor of Tim's bedroom reading one of J.K.Rowling's Books,i think it's called Harry....Harry Styles.....Wait no Harry Potter and something stone,Now that I think about it Harry Styles is that singer....

I really don't get what he sees in that book clearly a L.Frank Baum books and movies are a classic(Hes The guy who did Wizard of Oz)I mean which one a book about some daft boy called Harry Potter who's a wizard and wants revenge on a ugly man who has no nose except two holes Pathetic I think really.
OR would our rather have a book that's about
A farm girl named Dorothy who gets swept away by her home in Kansas in a magical land called Of OZ with her pet dog Toto as her company and-.-

Before I could finish debating in my head which one is clearly better Tim overReacted on his achievement of hacking Court Of Some Basic Owls he says "YES TOLD YOU AND AND AND there's going to be a meeting there in two days in this Theatre!"
Then he babbles on and on about how he's great blah blah blah he's the best yah yah yah....

"Well then I say we I check it out"Dad says as he walks in and I have zero clue how that man even knew what we were talking about he definitely creeps me out,OOOH Yeah"Hey Dick why don't you bring some of the Titans you know that Monkey boy um Wonder whatever and the Arrow dude"
"Yes Damian already did and It's Beast Boy,Wonder Girl and Arrow"
"Yeah yeah"I reply with a shake of my hand striding out the door to go blab on and on about what I did today to Alfred as I help him clean...

I'm such a good gentlemen,Chivalry is not dead because of me........

Tim's POV

I'm just great look at me no one else can hack like me not even the great oh so mighty Batman and we're doing this for a boy Damian likes and I've got to see this boy,never highly in a 100 years my little brother would find someone to love or like if it's a one time thing I mean even though he denies it every time I can see through his facade...

"-Im Ti- Tim TIM"
"Oops sorry Father went out of it"
"It's okay Son but are you going to tell us where this theatre is because you've been standing there for 10 minutes"As dad reply's jason snickers so I throw open the Jeep door and push Jason aside hardly as I make the others laugh"Yeah it's in Clover Street next to that Church that always rings first thing in the morning"
"Yeah that things annoying as hell I got woke up by people singing going-"
"WAIT NO DONT!"Me,Dick and Damian scream before we could stop him"OOOOOH THE LORD AHHH OOOH GIVE ME THE TIME AND-"Jason screeches as we all groan covering our ears before Damian kicks him in the chin causing him to shut his trap..

Sighing in relief I step out the door with the rest in tow and stop at a gigantic Theatre that Pure white with the Large sign above the brown double doors'CLOVE THEATRE'.

Stalking forward most of the Titans were there including Superman and I definitely see Super Boy scowling at him "HEY GUYS!"Garfield shouts as Damian Mutters a 'For gods sake'
I roll my eyes and jog up to my BestFriend Gar "Hello so are you going to open the door or what,Stand here and wait for Christmas?"
"Oh...um...I Y-Yeah Wait no no were not going to wait for Christmas Okay I'm going to open the doors now"He rambles,It's so cute...Okay wait never mind I never said that,before I could go threw denial Gar pick Lock opens the door and we all trod in with some 'Ooohs and Aahhs'as we all take in the view and it's PRITTY gigantic....

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