The past,The explanation

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Hello I'm the Author and the pic at the top is the Cheshire Cat that's what I'll look like when I talk to you in this book or books~

Author's POV
Hello now,now the Conqueror is Known as Claudia Stilinski.....
But haven't you heard the story of Stiles past Well here let me show you a different POV it all started when he was just a little boy.........

My name was Mr Tumbles I was Stiles cat but I'm also the Author of this book we'll we were at the hospital because his mother Claudia Stilinski was in Hospital it was about 12:00 at night,before we came to this hospital and before I became stiles pet.
Claudia was 'apparently' treated for Frontotemporal  demential that's a tricky little thing and a great deal for only a little child like stiles to deal with but he kept fighting.
Now screams and horror grew the boy as his mother called him names such as'MONSTER,HES GIVING ME THAT LOOK TELL HIM TO STOP HES GIVING ME THAT LOOK,HES TRYING TO KILL ME,HES GOING TO KILL ME.....MoNsTeR~'what horrific words he had to put up with but when she always said them words it sunk into his poor little brain like sponge to water he basically ate them and they will always be in his head,the more time he was near here the more time his humanity flew outta the window but he always knew she didn't mean those words or did she~but we will never know right?
The answer:she didn't mean them but she will only mean one of them words she meant monster~that's the word she will always refer him to....
But he will never know that will he?i don't know but I can show you.........


Claudia's POV
Here I am at the hospital I went on another rampage well another hallucination and right now Mr Tumbles is in My little Monsters Lap well My little Monster is refereed Stiles or Mischief ....
Just gotta wait till tomorrow,tomorrow that's when everything stops but right now I just gotta keep up the AcT~.
I looked down at my right again but to see Mischief asleep and his cat smiling well grinning but not a cute one it's-it's frightening,I gulp and I look down again to see him act innocent by liking his paw then he winks at me and grins wait I look again he's not doing it but I swear down he just winked at me...
I rub my tired eyes and take the hands off my face to reveal in front of me Mr Tumbles is at the front of my hospital bed,my breath hitches but-b-But how he was just he was...
There it is again the grin or should I. Say the smile~ he pads his way to me hissing slightly whilst baring his sharp crystal white  teeth,I scramble back ready to scream when my Little Monster wakes then The cat stops he sits and purrs on my lap"Awe Mommy Mr Tumbles likes you",no he's not he's faking that cat is not  human but I won't protest against my child but it wouldn't do anything that cat it not human but he picks him up by the belly and hugs the cat"Mommy are you Okay"....
"Yes sweet heart I am"I say in a sickly sweet voice then I keep going"Go to sleep I'll watch over you I'll always be here"as I say that I give him my innocent smile he reply's with a giggle and goes to the couch in the far right and cuddles the cat then drops into his slumber.
I'm getting too good at this because 2 hours ago I was on the roof screaming at my child and my husband trying to protest against me poor child he was sobbing his eyes out,really couldn't care less,but of course it ends in Mischief crying and Noah my lovely husband taking me back to the hospital bed to be sedated...
An hour later my husband comes we have al title chat and he takes Stiles and the cat somewhere to rest but of course they think they'll be back to chat with me in the morning but I doubt that.

A nurse walks in with three other people in Owl masks now here are my people they take off there masks and say"Well Mrs Conquerer ready to be the boss again?","Ahhh~,Gillian yes of course I am come on pop that cap" as I say that they pop the cap to the syringe and sedate me well lets say poison me in called Frederial my people made it so you can fake deaths it makes your skin cold,and sickly pale then of course they'll give me a Setirite it's this course that stop your blood pumping for 24 hours of course this isn't normal medication it has supernatural ingredient added to it.....
But of course this was the last drop we had,Batman and his goonies faded our Palace and stash of supernatural things and luckily we had these two to fake my death but we can't get none back and Batman will pay but just not right now......

As I go into my slumber I reawaken at the Court of Owls Medical Bay I wake and get help now we watch it play out and did I mention DEREK HALE,PETER HALE are my people this all had to be planned out by Scott getting bit by Peter and Stiles falling for Derek now we........

Authors POV
Ahh yes that's right that's the beginning to an end right?Oh no no dears that's only the beginning that night I sat on her bed I warned her I knew she was planning something but I had to play it out I am the Author of This book of course I can't go changing it or can I?No I wouldn't that'll make it too easy so I didn't say anything and let my precious Stiles cuddle me to sleep...

That's right Claudia set an assignment to Derek and Peter to help bring Stiles to Gotham and that's exactly what happened mind you Claudia did even release The Nigotsune she said it was an extra spicy to the Coming but then matter of years watching her Dear child suffer and most great of it The Nigotsune when that attacked stiles she knew she would go to Gotham and be dredged of Nightmares so poor Naive Stiles came to Gotham....

Now I can say no more because that's all I know for now but let me tell you something When Stiles came to Gotham Claudia can't Predict anymore because soon as he stepped in Gotham she was going to have to guess what's coming next and unlucky for her did she knew that her son  was going to meet Robin oh no she didn't and does she know maybe them two had a spark between them No,NO SHE DIDNT SO NOW CLAUDIA DOSENT KNOW WHATS HAPPENING NEXT SHES GOING TO HAVE TO GUESS AND WILL THEM GUESSES BE RIGHT I DONT KNOW BUT WE WILL FIND OUT SOOOON~?

I hope you enjoy my stories have a nice day or night p.s srry for grammar mistakes

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