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"So,someone going to tell me what happened?"

That one million dollar question.

The question that'll reveal secrets.

Jason,opened his mouth going to deadpan everything before he abruptly snapped his jaw shut..


Damian cupped a hand under it and slammed it shut,earning a glare from Red Hood in Return.

He evilly smirked and they all decided Richard should do it,because he was more softer and a Social Butterfly.

"So,what do you remember?"Dick says in a soft tone scraping his chair forward to engage more.

"Well I remember...getting shoved in a truck,woke up in this room then it was all blurry but I did see a girl?Yeah a-a girl and-"Stiles didn't continue he didn't want to say'-And the feeing Of a coppery metallic on my tongue'.

Some eyed each other"Well when you got kidnapped,you was sent to a lab.The lab is apart of a League called the Court of Owls.They experimented on you,turning you into something called a Chimera?"Dick continues looking at Tim since he's the smartest"Yeah Dick it was a Chimera,You transformed into a Panther with electricity and we assume vipers venom-"

Tim went to continue but got abruptly cut off by the sounds of sobbing,he looked up from the IPad he was reading on to see Stiles curled on the plastic seat crying silently,well trying to atleast.

"I-I did it-"He croaked out.

"I-I K-Killed someone"It was as if it all replayed again,relapsing as the events were flashing before his eyes,His Mother,Water,Liquid,Guards,Torture and-worst Of all the kill....

He killed an innocent little girl.

Stiles Stilinski Kills again.

"It wasn't your fault,Stiles,You didn't have control they-"Parrish started placing a calming hand on his bony shoulder.

Stiles flinched form the Touch,not used to it after being deprived for weeks.'They always say that,you had no control,just like the Nogitsune...But it's me-I'm weak-I'm'Stiles thought, before glancing to the exit.

That's when he slid the chair across the room and ran out the hospital,Ignoring the callings of his name,running.Running from innocent people,he couldn't stay here,he might kill again,he can't kill Damian Or Parrish Or Anyone for a matter of fact.

Until,a heavy weight crashed against him.

He appeared up into soft Emerald green eyes,Damian.

The Taller Male straddled Stiles cupping his cheek"Stilinski,your Insolent.Runnjng from your problems?That won't help.I tried it before.If you're going to run,I Damian Wayne,Ra's Al Ghul will help you threw the trauma and make sure you won't run ever again!"Damian demanded,Wiping the stray tears that slid down soft pale cheeks.

With that He jumped from him and helped Stiles up.

Mieczyslaw,rubbed his eyes chuckling at the Taller Male as Damian stood there furrowing his brows"T-Thanks"Stiles embraces the Wayne in a Hug,Smushing his face into Damian's chest and sniffing in the scent,Musk-Cinnamon and his cologne filled his nostrils.Stiles physically and mentally relaxed,liking where he was now....

Wrapped in Damian's Arms,he even ignored how Damian reluctantly hugged back,but soon enough he melted into the touch.

Two Twenty Dollar notes was passed to Jason as he smirked,Dick and Tim grumbled in annoyance having lost the bet.

Dick and Tim was debating that they kiss.

But of course Jason debates they hugged it out.

It was like when Damian Had a small crush on Johnathan,Jason won that aswell,he was a lady and a men's man.

"Am I allowed to go home now?"Stiles says glancing to Parrish in between the Muscular arms that wrapped around his waist."Your Apartment is messed up"The Hell Hound answers watching as Robin nestled his nose into Stiles brunette hair.

He smiled fondly at the two"Father,says that both of you can stay at the Wayne Manor.We have loads of Room and Alfred is getting bored of us as he says'Boring Old Kiddies'"Damian answers looking over at Bruce who nods in conformation"WHAT-No-No you've guys done too much,I mean y-you paid the Hospital Bills,Helped me now your offering your home,your sanction.I can't-I won't"Stiles waffled pushing from the hug crossing his arms as Robin lent against the wall behind him.

"Well your things are in a room,so yes you are"Leaving no room for discussion,Mischief Huffs out it in annoyance going to get changed  into something comfortable:Flannel Shirt,Grey Joggers,Fluffy Black socks and converse.

Soon enough they all piled into a Jeep arguing on What Movies better-

Harry Potter Movies

Hunger Games Movies

Star Wars Movies

"Y'all guys are just-No-just no,Star Wars is Amazing~clearly you have no taste"Stiles the biggest motherfucking Star Wars fan exclaims flaying his arms about"I think Hunger Games"Bruce The Dark Knight votes for,ruffling Tim's hair who cheers as Another person besides Jason votes for Hunger games.

"Harry Potter,Its Just Harry Potter.Its an Original I mean who likes Swords that light up?And some people Running"Dick explains scoffing as people look at him like he has two heads.

"I personally Vote For Star Wars"

"Shut it Demon Spawn,you only picked that for your little BoyFriend"Jason hisses pointing at Stiles,the Duo blush furiously crossing their arms and looking the other way in Sync"I think Harry Potter"Parrish Votes shrugging and smirking at Jason who looks offended like you just killed his granny.

"I now pick Wizard Boy"Jason decides,changing for the Hell Hound who rises an amused Eyebrow.

Soon enough they arrived at Wayne Manor...

StilesXDamian//TW and Batman crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now