Make a monster

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As you can probably tell that's Arkham Asylum~

Enjoy-sorry was taking my time to update this

3Rd person POV

Threw the halls of the wicked Building for a poor excuse of an Asylum the screams was heard as it echoed down the halls bouncing from solid to solid until laughter embedded with the blood curdling screams making it as so whom or what steps and inch from the gates they will run screaming back from where there began....
No one dared to inch-Breathe-smell-trespass(e.c.t)on these quarters as the noises from the Asylum would be heard....

But below these floors help a Brunette paled boy who just want to go back home and curl into his bed but clearly fate has different
The jello liked teal liquid filled the Glass container as Mischief(Stiles)Floated inside this container with an oxygen mask to keep him alive now this Teal liquid was different to the other colours from the other Poor innocent lives held in his was Teal now we may not what this means but we can definitely that this isn't a good sign....


Red high heels clicked on the white stones floor to be entering the chamber of when Mischief was held "Oh my little monster it's okay mommy's here I'll just fix you right up!"The psycho path cheerfully says as she popped the cap of an syringe full with Dark glossary purple liquid and shoved it into the IV Bag now he teal liquid that kept him afloat slowly but truly turned into a violet essence as his eyes shot open and his body was thrashing away through the liquid in shock trying it take the mask that allowed him to breathe but only to be stopped by a sedative mixed with the other Poisons to slowly go into his bloodstream and fall back into another restless slumber"Oops"She giggles before she clicks her way out slamming the metal door on her way out.....

Damian's POV

I stared at my food flicking it about with my metal fork as I moped in the dining area whilst all eyes were on me but I was too in thought but something quickly snapped Me out of my daze as a cough shot threw my eardrums like a buzz...
"Damian what's wrong?"My eldest spoke softly "N-Nothing"I stuttered as Jason tutted and slammed his hands on the oak table causing everyone to flinch"You've been mopping Brother all Week so why don't you get off your petty ass and tell us what's wrong"he spoke roughly and I could see the agitated expression so I just sighed"This boy I helped him and I put a tracker in him I-I don't Why thigh I-I  j-just did then I checked where he was and about a week ago he-"I took in a shaky deep breath as I collected myself before continuing"He-HES AT FUCKING ARKHAM"I raged before dad put a hand on my shoulder as I clenched the metal fork in my hands taking deep breath before calming down as I sat down Tim spoke up first with dumbfounded expression"What's so important about this boy? And why is he in that Hell hole?"
"Nothings important about him he's-He's just a friend right and I went to Arkham searching for him and-and it's like he disappeared I followed the red bleeping dot and it was nothing..........just blank walls in a hall way"I reply through gritted teeth
"Damian that boy is probably with The Court Of Owls now the white hallway you went through heal the walls it has a secret passage but a face recognition I've been trying to get in but it's to high tech and the Court Of Owls run it"My father explains"Master Bruce is right he has that's why we left for that'One week trip'"Old trusty dusty Alfred says as I gave them all a weak smile and went to my room....

Why-Stupid birds-What do they want with him-He's scrawny-He's-he's......."STUPID.FUCKING.OWLS"I screamed as my clenched fist came into contact with the Cerulean(It's a type of blue) painted walls off my bedroom as it laced with my Claret red blood I slowly pulled my shaking hand back,seeing the mess I created:A deep hole was created as Cracks spiralled upwards from the void and bits of crumbled stone made its way onto my Red carpet....

'Bark'Snapping my neck back I saw Titus Bark and then let out a small whimpered whine so I slowly reassured him petting his soft fur and giving him light kisses"It's okay Titus boy,Just-Ya know got mad a bit,I'm fine everything's fine we're going to get the Bambi back from the Owls"He yaps in response as he laps at my blood"Eww no Titus,Don't lik my blood but thanks anyways"I mumble with a chuckle until a knock was heard and Alfred walked in with the first Aid kit"A-Alfred"I say startled as I look back and forth from him to the mess"Sorry Master Damian if I may have Startled you,But as with my two eyes I can you did something tragic and Ill a sure you getting that infected won't rescue the boy"I nod in reply as he get all the supplies and Works patching my hand up.....
He leaves and I say my thanks and bye so I get changed and fall face onto as I succumbed into darkness not before Titus Laid his head on my chest...

Claudia's POV

"As you can see I'm here calling in a meeting we'll be displaying my Monster on Display to the rest of the Owls once he's ready we just a need a little it more time,everyone got it?"I growl but they just mumble "Yes mistress" but that wasn't enough so I demanded"HAS EVERYONE GOT IT!"
Finally,I don't even know how I cope sometimes but my lil Genim will be ready and we'll get this show on the road....


StilesXDamian//TW and Batman crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now