The New Beggining

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Author's POV
Now you're probably wondering how do these vigilantes of Bats and birds are supposedly save the Freckled boy?

Answer:Who The Fuck Knows

Im only joking but I won't spoil it for you well I'll give you a hint an electronically tracking device.......



The vigilante of the dark was patching the helpless pale boy so when he took out the Silver sharp knife Out of his shoulder Damian or known as Robin snuck in a Tracking device into the wound,but now your thinking he could take this out?

Answer:No,No he can't it's made by Bruce Wayne so when he put it into his wound carefully it goes directly into your blood stream and stays there unless,it explodes in his body or be took out which is really hard because it's a microchip,smaller than an incest of some kind........

Now instead of me ranting to you which I could do by the way and trust me when I say you will enjoy it but let's get back onto the story shall we~


Present~3RD POV

As the Blackness echoed around the 147 pounds of pale and fragile bone,they dragged the boy down the White corridors as the Icy fingers tried to grip him from the darkness,but soon or surely would the darkness consume the boy again.....

These halls belong to an underground area that's Secret from the Asylum in Gotham but not just any The Arkham Asylum.
This Asylum is crawling with things that are not suppose to be real they are suppose to be Fairy Tales,There suppose to stay in books,They are meant to be in a kid imagination,but no things that go bump in the night are here everywhere.
This little Asylum has all weird things starting from Serial Killers,Psycho Paths,Mere-Humans and even Crazy rampaging Supernatural things....
Now Every civilian In Gotham Knows that something is wrong with it well they all know that things that are meant to be Myths and Legends are real but apparently Humanity has another opinion on that.

Eventually everyone will know and may all chaos will rise but eventually die out...
As you seen this underground base has created lots of Abominations starting from The Joker,The Riddler and even the scarecrow may these creatures may not have supernatural powers or looks but threw Physically and Mentally this Asylum has created them either way...
But if you adventure further may your little Myths come true,let's just say Guinea pigs(tests subjects)have been used to create these abominations like:Water monsters,Werewolves Kanimas anything really but not all are successful some are failures we'll let's just say
A lot...
But that 2% are very powerful and insane.......

Stile's POV

"Ugh"I groaned as I fluttered my heavy eyelashes open to be reavesled by a bright light in my face which made my Booming headache ten times worse.
Blinking a few times I could finally see my surrounding clearer I was tied up in a like metal dome things,to my left there was other people in Glass tubes that are half naked except from covering there private parts..
But it was weird they were in a water like gloo that's greeny/purple with a breathing tube covering there mouths  probably so they can breath.
Turning my head right a shot of pain shot threw my neck which made me whimper but in the right where a cage with something inside of it maybe it was a human?
Another Being?
Maybe they can help me?
"Hel-Help"My croaky voice shook threw the room as a hot tear slid down my cheek,i was trembling from the head to toes down but luckily this dome was keeping me up right,it hurts everywhere especially my neck and head probably from that dick head smashing my head into the wall....
I started to call out well tried but my throat was dry I barely could even get a 'Hi'out without stuttering or my voice box giving in...
But one things for sure is that I'm alone,no ones going to come for me,I'm in darkness again,I'm going to die and I haven't even tried Michi or-or swan with Dolphins it's not fair what have I DONE TO HUMANITY  TO DESERVE THIS——- well I have down horrible things I mean I killed my best friends for God's sake I-i did a lot of horrible things that I regret it's my fault,all my fault...
Time passed and I was sobbing my eyes out as crimson red blood poured from my temple onto my face then the floor!
I heard the squeaky metal door open as a woman walked in she had bright blonde hair with curls that bounced from her shoulders with red Clicky high heels and a scientists robe around here black dress.

'Click'is all I heard as I lifted my head up to be to be met with her Aqua eyes that look so innocent but I know now not to trust them kinda eyes especially is she's wearing that grin.
"Now,Now Mieczyslaw Stilinski,there there everything's just going to be alright where going to fix you right up"She cooed to me as a jab was heard threw my soft paled neck from the needle to the skin,then it was blackness......


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