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Stiles POV

Gasping I shoot up from a hard cold stone floor as sweat beads across my forehead and I gasp heavily looking at my surroundings.

I'm in a Room with a metal door with a dark glass window but what more worrying is the girl next to me who seems to be dead...

I crawl up to hear feeling tears prick my eyes as I check her pulse and yup she's dead.

My breath panics it's the same as before with the Virgins at Beacon Hills-Blow to the Head,sliced throat or Strangulation by Garrote.
Just like that Darach bitch did but this time she got strangled.

Tears slip down my cheeks as memories swarm my vision of the pack,my dad,Parrish,Lydia and Scott.

God I miss my Dad and his hugs,Maybe Parrish will save me since he's coming wait no cant let anyone else die for my sake.
Standing on Two shaky legs I wobble my way to the only door of the cold room,Goosebumps prickle my skin as I try for the handle which of course is locked.

I don't know what kind of sick game this person is doing but I don't like it,I hate it so so so much,Right now I'm freezing I only have black boxers on with blue pyjamas over me and these Pjs are the worst texture I have ever felt on my rough skin but I'm just lucky that I'm even wearing anything...

Wait......Someone dresses me ew that's embarrassing,wait get back on track stiles cmon best what to do there's nothing on me or in my surrounding-Then I guess it's shout time,and that's what I did I screamed like a girl calling for her knight in shining armour to come and swoop her away,but sadly this time it's a Male..

"HELLP,SOMEONE ANYONE PLEASE HEEELP HELP-MY KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOUR ARE YOU THERE!"I cough as my throat feels very very dry,right so either die by these fuckers or dehydration that just awesome!!!

Yay me not like I've been in this situation before!!!

Okay so there's only one way to do this James Bond Style-which is-1.Either try and kick the door down-2.Run into it-3.Punch it to death...

Hmm fuck it ill do all 3 I've got all day....

Taking a long deep breath I take 3 steps back and I raise my dominant leg and try to boot the door which all I earn is pain and I yelp going down on one knee,Okay so that's how it is eh?

10 Minutes later of Kicking-Screaming-Punching and Running all I end up with is a scratch not even a big one a little tiny one about this big 👉———👈.

That was useless now I've got a soar throat,Bloody bruised and beaten up knuckles with two huge bruises on the side of my right arm and hip!!


"Just what I needed!!"

"What a great time off!!"

"I'm alone so alone!!"

"No ones going to save me!!"

"Can't they just end it already there taking the piss!!"

I hear a Dark chuckle down the hall as big steps approach my room so I stumble back until my back hits the other side of the room and stare at the door until a huge buff man with a Katana on his back and wearing a a a Owl mask?

He places a bottle of water down and a Chicken sandwich and goes out locking the door again,as soon as he's gone I rush to the food and what not and sniff it yep I sniffed the sandwich..

I really wish I had some werewolf doggy sences right now because if there's poison in this it's over for me and I really wanna gets out Of here although ether die by getting beaten up and used as a weapon first or die from poisoning....

I'll take the second option,So after I inhaled my food and water I go back to sitting in a corner debating on why is my life is like this?
And why is it always me?

Like what did I do to Jesus for this?

Maybe I should've accepted the bite from Peter?

That creeper wolf...

Man I am really lonely if I'm thinking about his company right now...

StilesXDamian//TW and Batman crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now