four | ❝stupidity❞

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voldemort sucks

draco: good morning everyone

potter: it's 3 am go to sleep

y/n: i'm in the forbidden forest

y/n: ron i have something to
show you <3

y/n: ron i have something to show you <3

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weasel: fuck you

mione: why isn't anyone wondering
why she's in the forbidden forest??

mione: are you crazy, y/n?
please come back inside!

potter: oh yh lol

draco: i'm coming out to get you

y/n: no you're not

y/n: look behind you

draco: what do u mEANKSKFJDK

weasel: we can hear your scream
from our common room

mione: dumbledore is going to be
soooo mad :(

y/n: lol no he won't, he lets you
guys get away with everything

potter: ...

potter: she has a point

weasel: you might wanna get
back to your room l/n bc neville
just told me snape is coming your

y/n: thx ron, cya guys

y/n is offline

mione: you know, when we
added y/n i really hoped she
would be a sensible person i
could really get along with

mione: oh how i was wrong

potter: idk about u but i think
she's awesome

weasel: me too, she's bloody
brilliant and has a personality
that doesn't revolve around

mione: ouch

draco: permission to give
my opinion

mione: no

draco: i think hermoine is just
as interesting as y/n, she adds
balance to y/n's stupidity

mione: yes

weasel: simp

potter: shut up ron

y/n is online

y/n: i'm not stupid, i'm just not
very smart

y/n: there's a difference you

draco: i will never understand
how i don't hate you

mione: same tbh

y/n: shut up, you both love me

mione: sure

draco: ok

y/n: nice

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