eighteen | ❝pansy wansy❞

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draco added dramione <3 to snakes n stuff

y/n: no

pansy: i agree

draco: ok chill out

draco: i just want to question
l/n that's all

y/n: you had to add me into
this mess to ask me stuff?

y/n: you could've done it in
private dumbass

crabbe: he could've got on
a table XD

y/n: use that emoji again and
i'll throw your phone into the
black lake

goyle: you wouldn't

draco: she would

pansy: she wouldn't

goyle is offline

pansy: she would

draco: uhm,,,, anyways so-

draco: i wanted to ask y/n if she
knew what was up with that beast

y/n: what beast?

crabbe: the bird beast

y/n: ohhh that fantastic beast

draco: yes the fantastic beast,
where can we find them?

y/n: lol idk

y/n: let's the change the subject

draco: but-

y/n: can we talk about how
pansy was all over your
'injured' ass after your

y/n: i think the girlie has a
little crush

crabbe: i was thinking the
same thing

y/n: that was funny

draco: hilarious really

pansy: you can't think

pansy: & you're wrong l/n,,
i was just being a good friend


draco: i mean,,, you were kindasuffocating me in there

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draco: i mean,,, you were kinda
suffocating me in there

draco: & i told i to piss off
like 50 times

crabbe: hehe

y/n: haha

pansy: trust me draco i was
only trying to make sure ur okay
:):):)) <33333313

y/n: uhm,,, i hate that

draco: i hate it too

y/n: pansy wansy has a crush !!

pansy: I DO NOT

pansy: why would i date someone
you've had before me 😷

y/n: ...

crabbe: woaahhh

crabbe: wHAT?

draco: no

y/n: no but in spanish

dramione is offline

dramione is online

y/n: fuck u

dramione left the group

a/n: filler chapters are so much fun

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