thirteen | ❝boggarts❞

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y/n changed the group name to ron is a coward

y/n: haaaaaaa

weasel: have i ever told you that
you're a bully l/n

weasel: u suck

y/n: ;)

mione: oh wow

potter: ;)

y/n: woahh who knew you had a
dirty mind potter u sinful child

y/n: pray

potter: stop trying to get me
on my knees y/n

mione: oh merlin please make
it stop

y/n: that's not what you said to
ron last night

weasel: SHUT UP L/N

mione: i would never ever do
what you are implying with

potter: bet

y/n: i wouldn't either tbh if
my s/o was that scared of

weasel: ur boggart was literally
a minecraft enderman

y/n: *shivers* *hides* *cries*

potter: i had the best boggart

mione: it's not a competition,,
lupin is teaching us to protect

mione: not to have a dick
measuring contest about who
has the creepiest boggart

y/n: yeah you're right,, sorry
hermioneeee <33

potter: sorry hermioneee <33

weasel: ok herman

mione: i wonder what professor
lupin's boggart would be

y/n: a wolf

weasel: why??

y/n: it's just a suggestion lol

y/n: it's way cooler than a spider

weasel: i hate u

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