❝finales & sequels❞

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to my beautiful charming readers &
charming!harry stans

i can't believe this bullshit is over phjshshsj

thank you so so much for the support, hilarious comments and love you have given me and this book. it's so weird to think it's over but i'm so happy it happened! words cannot describe how much love i have for you guys 😭

you guys literally deserve a gold sticker and sequel soooo i'm so happy and proud to say the sequel 'hexing' will come out on the 2nd :)

am i crying right now? yes.

am i going to spend the night writing up plenty of chapters for the sequel? also yes

am i going to plan who's going to end up with you? [redacted]

feel free to comment your favourite moments or rant about how you feel about the book here :) we can cry together 🥰

so finally, thank you again for an amazing couple of months.

let's get ready for the next shit that's about to come ;)

- ronnie, currently sobbing <3

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