seventeen | ❝dumbledore❞

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"surprise assholes."

your two friends jumped into the air in surprise, hermione's hand quickly covering harry's mouth before he could scream in shock.

they watched you as you avoided the loud twigs on the ground and hid behind a tree to witness the past versions of the trio run back to the castle.

"is that really what your hair looks like from the back?"

"what are you doing here? you can't..." hermione dropped her hand from harry's face, a move he appreciated as she walked towards you with a developing smile.

"you know don't you?"

you nodded and grabbed harry's hand to pull him towards the pumpkins once more. the brunette looked at you with confusion but you motioned at him to keep quiet.

"dumbledore seems to be back on his shit, i'm here you help you with buckbeak but only that. i have a feeling that if i stuck around any longer things might get a bit messy."

all three of you waited for the last trip to fully leave your view and soon you found yourself watching harry silently creeping through the pumpkin patch only to be harassed by crows.

you tried your hardest not laugh, the motherly slap on the cheek hermione gave you kept you focused.

buckbeak remained on the ground defeated and tired as harry tried his best to get him out of the area.

"this isn't working," you muttered as you got up with hermione to help him.

granger stayed beside him as you quickly surveyed the ground around you, your eyes finally settling on something that would help.

brown, fluffy and... dead.

ignoring the hideous smell, you picked up a batch of ferrets and held them in front of buckbeak with a strained smile.

"come one buckbeak," you said. "come and get a nice dead ferret."

the large animal got onto its feet and you threw one of them into his direction to consume.

the trio smiled but it was short lived by you, the men inside the building beginning to stir and move around.

you hung the rope holding more ferrets around hermione'a neck and walked backwards to throw another.

"you guys need to go now!"

the headmaster, hagrid, fudge and the executioner walked out of the hut as you ushered the duo away with a small hopeful smile.

"don't fuck up the timeline yeah?"

harry and hermione nodded mouthing a quick thank you before running into the trees once more with buckbeak.

the men conversed, dumbledore talking about strawberries as you snuck up behind them to stand next to your headmaster calmly.

"good afternoon gentlemen."

they all turned to face you, dumbledore giving you a knowing smile as the others gasped at the missing bird.

cornelius fudge turned to you accusingly, "you! you're thalia's girl aren't you? if you're up to something i will gladly rid her of her job-"

"i was literally just breathing. if you don't stop your pointless accusations i will expose your secrets in a rant-y twitter thread and you will be the one to lose his job," you reply trying to hide your amused expressions. "i would never do anything to sabotage my family's reputation."

he nodded frantically and focused on the matter at hand whilst dumbledore bent down to your level. before he spoke you cut him off.

"thanks for lifting the apparition charm that one time, it was childish but you understand that we all have our reasons for things," you smirked. "even if those reasons don't get revealed until... much later."

the old man nodded as he watched the woods slyly. "you're an ambitious one y/n, i never quite understood how you didn't get sorted into-"

"gross, don't even."

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