twenty-five | ❝thalia l/n❞

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weasel: y/n, you might not
want to risk coming with us
to the quidditch cup because
knows your mother doesn't
want you there

y/n: tough shit, i told you
i'll find a way to go mr

weasel: yes, this is actually
mr weasely!

y/n: pshhh prove it >:(

y/n: what did my mum say
to you when you eloped with
mrs weasely? aRthUr?

weasel: well she actually
didn't say anything really.

weasel: she drew us a cartoon
phoenix sticking out a middle
'finger' that said "good luck, molly"

y/n: ...


y/n: she'll take away my phone
& send me to live with my annoying
muggle cousins and make me go
to a muggle secondary school 😭

y/n: i'LL DIE


weasel: oh! well i don't want
you to get into trouble with
your mother but i also want
you to have a good time with

weasel: i'll find a way!

y/n: arthur, you bloody legend

y/n: i'm surprised you know how
to use a phone skshskskfgkg


dumb old door

mione: there's a letter for you
y/n but it was delivered to me??

y/n: does it have a phoenix
in the corner????? oh shit
mione please tell me it doesn't

potter: huh?? what's this??

mione: yeah it's got a phoenix

y/n: fuckkk

potter: language ❤️


there were a few hours left before the end of the day - the last day of term. it was supposed to be a good day, a fun day where you could relax but your mother sent you something you could not ignore.

the group met up in hagrid's hut, the giant outside and occupied with buckbeak.

you smiled proud at the sight remembering the events that allowed them to stay together.

"come in then!" hermione called. "this thing is surprisingly heavy?"

you jogged into the hut with a grin and lazily placed yourself in between harry and ron.

"so..." ron started unsure, "are you going to open it?"

hermione passed it to you, the ivory envelope with the golden inscribed creature in the corner was held delicately in your hands.

you shook your head, passing it to harry.

he eyed you nervously as he opened the letter for you. the moment the flap was lifted you grinned evilly, ron and hermione furrowing their eyebrows in confusion until they realised.

oh, how harry regretted meeting you.

rainbow glitter, tiny little fragments of sparkling colour exploded in his face. it landed in his hair, his robes and stuck to his glasses.

harry removed them with a cough, circles of skin still visible under the round spectacles causing the group to laugh.

"yeah, soooo funny!" potter teased as he tackled you into a hug, the glitter spreading onto your clothes too.

"nonono get off!" you cried, his hands tickling your sides. "p-piss off potter!"

all weasely and granger could do was watch the disaster unfold whilst wondering how random your mother must've been to send that.

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