finale | ❝charming❞

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dumb old door

mione: did you miss the
fucking train, y/n?

y/n: ...

y/n: rahh that's a proper
mad question that

potter: "i got bored so i decided
to ruin lunch, purposefully and i
had fun doing it" type beat

weasel: fred and george told
me she was with cedric lmao,,
she's on the train guys

mione: uhm y/n?? come to us
please and thank you

potter: i miss youuu

y/n: ugh guys are sooo

mione: you love us really <3

potter: you love me more
obviously <3

weasel: i hate this stop please
make it stop

y/n: you 'ave a crisis! i'm on
my way 😎

y/n is offline

potter: lol ok sTEAL MY JOKe


"move over kids, a bad bitch is coming through."

you stood next to the sliding door you slammed open as the trio stared at you in amusement, disappointment and adoration.

"bit dramatic, innit?" ron chuckled, "just get in here before someone else decides to steal you away from us!"

you chuckled as you closed the door and sat next to hermione. the witch turned to you with a tight smile.

"harry has something important to tell you."

"whaaaaaaat?" he chuckled anxiously, "actually hermione has something to tell you... right?"

there was laughter between the them but the chuckles couldn't conceal the violent glares aimed at one another.

"ron," you whispered, "what the fuck is going on between these two?"

he eyed his friends and sighed.

"harry and hermione want to confess their love for you or whatever but honestly this is really bloody stressful so here is what we're going to do.

"these guys aren't confessing shit today- harry, put your wand down! it's our last day guys!" he pleaded, "can we like... not fuck up our friendship?"

"i have an idea," you smirked. "whoever captures my heart next year will be victorious and the other shall be put to DEA-"

"i agree to those terms," hermione answered immediately as harry nodded, the chosen mouthing the words 'bet' whilst ron sighed in relief.

his relaxation ended as soon as it begun. "wait, y/n, were you about to say death?"

you 'pshhhed' and rolled your eyes. ""

hermione sighed and placed her head tiredly on your shoulder, "change of subject, let's talk about how y/n practically changed our lives?she called snape a bitch and literally exposed draco as a barb."

"and what about that lesson where we found out her boggart was an enderman, i-"

the trio laughed and you watched them with a smile, happiness bubbling inside you as they talked about all the incredible things you did together throughout the year.

"ugh, you guys..." you whined, "if you keep doing this i will literally cry and i cannot have you see me in a moment of weakness."

ron kicked your leg playfully, "bad bitches cry too, that's what fred told me after george accidentally punched him too hard."

"oh my god, stop i'll actually cackle," harry snorted.

hermione rolled her eyes but a grin found its way on to her face. "i'm going to miss not having your bullshit around, the wait for the world cup is going to feel like forever."

your laugher died down a bit as you looked at the girl by your side.

"it'll be fine, herman, because we have... wait a second, i wanna look cool."

you pulled out your wand and whispered 'wingardium leviosa' making your phone float in the air in front of the group.

you took hermione's hand and pulled her with you onto the boys' lap as you all grinned at the camera.

"wait, what are we gonna say? cheese?" ron asked panicked.

hermione punched his arm. "ron, you bloody moron just smile!"

the two began to argue as harry pulled you into his arms before the camera flashed and your phone fell onto the empty seat in front of you.

you leant over to pick it up, the chaotic and blurry picture displayed on the screen.

it was hard to make out what was going on, a blur of orange and a pink hoodie in a wrestling match whilst two people posed gorgeously together in the corner.

with a small smile and a silent laugh, you saved the image and thought to yourself.

'how charming.'

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