seven | ❝buckbeak❞

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voldemort sucks

y/n: wow don't you hate it
when your friends & malfoy
keep you out of their business

malfoy: ouch

y/n: good

y/n: like it's almost been a month
since the school year started
and i've only just been told about
that new da teacher being the one
who protected harry against fucking dementors

weasel: y/n almost everyone knows
about that

y/n: well i didn't!1!

y/n: we have care of magical
creatures together later

y/n: i want answers and i want
them now

mione: there isn't anything
going on y/n, don't worry

y/n: harry?

potter:'s true


potter: i don't like lying to her

potter: i think she could help us
with stuff, like a lot of stuff

potter: plus she seems to be on
malfoy's good side and we could
really use a 'spy'

mione: i don't want to use her
for information, it seems cruel

mione: she's becoming my
friend and i don't want to use
her like that

potter: friends don't lie


y/n's pov
you stood with the rest of your house as hagrid dramatically introduced the hippogriff, buckbeak, to the class.

he began to talk about how hippogriff can get easily offended and many other details you didn't care much about as you eyed hermione and ron from your place in the crowd.

draco and his goons pushed through to the front, a green apple in his pale hand as he smirked towards you.

you flipped off the slytherin as you turned back to the action ahead of you.

harry extended a shaky hand to the creature, his sudden movement scaring it and hermione as she grabbed onto ron's hand.

they looked away from each other embarrassed, hermione turning to you as you gave her a playful thumbs up.

potter eventually managed to pet buckbeak, the class clapping his success.

"i think he may let you ride him now," smiled hagrid.


you giggled as the giant picked him up and placed him on the hippogriff, potter panicking as he tried to get a hold on the creature.

"don't pull out any of his feathers because he won't thank you for that," hagrid informed as he set buckbeak off.

the class watched potter fly off with the creature leaving the rest of you on the ground. you took this chance to walk over to hermione and ron as other got into their own conversations.

"granger. weasley. let's have a chat, yeah?" you said as the three of you sat on the ground, a few metres away from the class.

the two looked at each other nervously as you continued.

"i know potter is in some sort of danger, he's the boy who lived for merlin's sake. i know that sirius black is looking for him and i know that sirius black is probably going to kill him."

"alright, calm down," ron said. "it's not like that informations in the papers."

you rolled your eyes, "i also know that lupin is a fucking werewolf."


before you could explain, harry came back and malfoy got attacked by buckbeak.

"that little pri-"

hermione held you back from shutting up draco, her hand tight around your forearm. she shook her head as the platinum haired boy was escorted away and harry towards you.

"is everything okay?" he asked, the question mostly directed at you.

you nodded and pulled yourself away from granger, leaving the three to discuss whatever. you needed to make sure malfoy didn't make a scene because who knew what bullshit that boy would get up to.

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