five | ❝speech❞

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draco: y/n, i need to ask you

draco: it's really important

y/n: ?

draco: did you really mean what
you said? the thing about me be
more than my parents and all
that other crap

y/n: ofc i've been around losers
long enough to know who's truly
wrong and who isn't.

y/n: you're just misunderstood

seen by draco

y/n's pov
you put your phone down in confusion, wondering why the platinum haired boy left you on read.

the unopened herbology book laid untouched next to you as you turned to face hermoine. she was so focused on her book and you almost didn't want to disturb her.


"herman? hey, herman!"

"lower your voice," she mumbled. "this is a library."

you rolled your eyes and pulled the history book out of her tight grip. "draco texted me something and i don't know what to think about it."

"if he's cyber bullying you, screenshoot the messages and go to a trusted adult-"

"shut up and look."

you passed her your phone, the messages open so she could read them with her analytical brain.

within seconds she put the device down and rolled her eyes, "i think you're overthinking this. he just wanted to know about what you said and then he left, what else is there to think about."

hermione picked her book back up and resumed reading, her opinion suddenly finalised by your lack of response.

you sighed and opened your texts again to see nothing new.

you looked at the girl beside you once more before packing up your stuff and making your way to the quidditch grounds to get fresh air, ignoring the calls of granger as you exited the library.

on your way there, you opened your texts once more to see an eruption of notifications.

voldemort sucks

weasel: Y/N Y/N Y/N




potter: OMW

mione: not interested

y/n: come on hermione!1!1

y/n: he's talking about u <3

mione: omw

mione: oh god he looks like
a mess

y/n: a hot mess

potter: oh shittt he's going

weasel: periodt

y/n: shut up

draco stood proud and disheveled on top of the slytherin table, his robes hanging off his shoulders as he waved his hands around animatedly.

once you got close enough, pushing through people to get the the done of the crowd, his eyes landed on you as he clapped his hands.

"that girl right there!" he started.

you felt eyes land on you and you awkwardly waved to the students staring.

"y/n l/n, my friend- no, my best friend! crabbe and goyle, you're fired. that girl right there has helped me realise i've been a dick to literally everyone!"

you could hear multiple murmurs of agreement which would've made you laugh if the circumstances were different.

you reached out your hand, "get off the table, malfoy."

he shook his head childishly and instead pulled you onto the table and held you in his arms.

"from now on," he announced. "i will try, attempt, make an effort- synonyms, synonyms to be a better person!"

there was an odd silence for a few seconds until you heard a few people begin to applaud.

harry, ron and hermione cheered, their contagious smiles making you grin as others began to clap too.

draco let you go and got off the table, quickly leaving the hall and travelling to who knows where.

you jumped off of your makeshift pedestal and made your way to the trio, letting them embrace you in the cliche group hug.

"that was bloody briliant," ron said.

hermione rolled her eyes but a smile remained on her face. "more like bloody stupid!"

"you know, with all the crazy stuff going on this is kind of nice," harry commented.

you faced him, "what do you mean?"

the golden trio exchanged awkward glances before looking at you, answering your question at the same time.


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