twenty-two | ❝i'll get seamus❞

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y/n changed the name to dumb old door

mione: you have no chill

potter: i feel bad for laughing 😌

weasel: what have you got against
the old man l/n?

y/n: he's a dodgey dude

y/n: your mans got some secret
plan & i'm gonna find out what
it is >:)

mione: or you could,,,, not?

weasel: what plan?

y/n: idk

potter: it's a secret plan ron
keep up

mione: y/n you seem to know
everything but that

weasel: yeah like what harry &
hermione got up too with patronus'
and shit

mione: & that lupin is a werewolf

y/n: i also know about harry's
godfather 😎

potter: ... & you knew about sirius


y/n: lemme laugh real quick

y/n: it's that bullshit superhero

y/n: you're never in class, you're
always sneaking around, mr
dumbydoo always seems to be
apart of your shit

y/n: like???

y/n: i just paid attention you

mione: having a mother in the
ministry probably helped as well

y/n: *yuh*

weasel: that's bloody terrifying

potter: that's bloody amazing

mione: y/n, you bloody genius

y/n: bloody hell calm down :)

y/n: see guys i can be in incredibly
attractive, funny AND smart

mione: ugh your mind ❤️

weasel: oh no harry, herman's
falling in love with y/n again

potter: you 'ave a crisis! i'm on
my way

harry is offline


harry jogged out of the boys' dorm to see you and hermione giggling by the fire as ron walked into the common room with heavy breath.

"why are you running?-"

"hermioneeeee!" the ginger called.

the two of you turned to face ron with amused looks as he collapsed tiredly on top of hermione.

"bit dramatic innit?" you chuckled. "wittle bittle won is jewous!" you teased, harry's laughs filling the room as he watched hermione push ron to the ground.

"i'll get draco," ron threatened then he turned to hermione. "and i'll get seamus."

"you wouldn't fucking dare," granger seethed but her warning fell on deaf ears as the weasely sprinted out the room.

hermione too got up and started to chase him out the common room leaving you and harry to die of laughter on the floor whilst your fellow students stared in concern.

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