fourteen | ❝buckbeak pt 2❞

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you were out of school grounds now, your robe flying behind you as you got into a sprint towards hagrid's hut.

what? did you really think you were going to the library?

as soon as you approached his door, you gave it three loud knocks and the giant opened the door seemingly surprised to see you.

"l/n? what are you doing here at this time?"

you paused and peered behind him to see three figures. you rolled your eyes as he panicked and constricted your view.

"i just wanted to see how you're doing... with the whole buckbeak thing."

hagrid sighed with defeat and fatigue. "i'm not that good y/n, i'm gonna be honest with you but i'm very glad you asked. not many students seem to care."

"right," you said. "i know harry, hermione and ron come here often though. have you seen them recently?"

as soon as those words left your mouth there was a crash from inside the hut. hagrid panicked and bid you a quick goodbye before ushering you away.

behind the hut you saw hermione and harry.
coming out of the hut you also saw hermione and harry (and ron of course).

"what the fuck?"

your confusion soon turned into realisation, that necklace around herman's neck told you all you needed to know.

a sensible person would've ignored this sight but you, being the curious person you are, decided to follow the harry/hermione duplicates.

why? because you were bored but most importantly you wanted to help.

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