❝1k special!❞

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summary - that time y/n calls snape a bitch while quoting a vine & exposes draco malfoy for being a barb
warnings - gen z,, that's all i'm gonna say.

"just did a bad thing... i regret the thing i did... and you're wondering what it is, i'll tell you what i did- i did a baaaaaad thingggggg."

your friends stared at you with fear as you put random liquids and herbs into a potions vial without thinking your actions through, the danger of the scene being heightened by your weird singing.

you grinned as you began to repeat the song but harry took your hand and guided it away from your 'work' in fear of a disaster. your grin turned into a frown as you glared at him childishly.

"i was kinda busy, you asshole."

ron scoffed, "yeah, busy trying to kill us all!"

hermione stared cautiously at the vial taking it away from you and pouring it into a bin for good measure. "what are you singing?"

"it's this song by a guy called bill wurtz, total genius, 10/10, would totally recommend," you stated with seriousness. the group stared at you in silence as you stared back with equal blankness.

from the other side of the potions room draco watched your group erupt in laughter with an eye roll, his own goons somehow finding your ridiculousness funny.

"um chile anyways so-"

"MALFOY!" you shouted. the class went deathly silent as snape stood from his seat at the front.

"y/n, what is the meaning of this?"

your eyes widened comically as you waved your hands excitedly at draco who looked utterly terrified with your actions.

"draco's a barb!"

"whAt? y/n nO!"

"10 points from gryffindor, y/n if you make anymore noise i will not hesitate-"


the class gasped as snape walked towards you with anger, "what did you just say?"

harry had to hid face in ron's shoulder to conceal his laughter.

"i said," you started. "i won't hesitate bitch."


there was an uncomfortable, dangerous and terrifying silence that lasted for a few minutes.
severus' mouth was agape as you began to smile. harry couldn't hold his chuckles in anymore and soon the rest of the trio joined in, the while class laughing too.

defeated and confused, snape just walked back to his place at the front and laid his tired head in his hands.

"i hate it here," he mumbled.

while snape was having a small breakdown, draco walked up to your group and grabbed your wrists out of nowhere pulling you to his chest.

"if you ever tell people i'm a barb i will end you," he seethed.

you smirked, "did you have to hold me so close to say that?"

the pale boy turned red and marched back to his seat, hermione clapping as he slammed his face on the wooden table.

"so i guess he's a nicki stan? i'm more into cardi b to be honest," neville stated.

"shut up schlongbottom."

thanks for 1000 reads :)
[11 august 2020]

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