ten | ❝quidditch❞ pt 2

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y/n's pov
it was cold, rainy, and windy. all the things that normal schools would frown upon during sports events but not us. (a/n: ... not us)

you wrapped your house scarf around your neck tighter, the thin fabric doing nothing to keep you warm as you excitedly cheered for gryffindor in your red raincoat.

harry zoomed past you but the large grin he gave you didn't go unnoticed.

ron and hermione cheered on also, their loud chants blending with the hundreds of other students who supported their respective houses.

you faced them, your nose going numb and hair a mess which ron laughed at.

"you look a bit chilly there l/n," he commented swinging an arm over your shoulder.

you could feel the glare granger gave you but chose to ignore it, you were in a good mood and you weren't about to let her ruin it.

"well, it is fucking freezing ron!"

the golden snitch whizzed past you, it's wings shiny in the rain. you watched the gryffindor and hufflepuff team fly around each other, the chasers eagerly racing to throw the quaffle on the others net.

in the midst of the chase, you saw a flash of light and a gryffindor player scream as she fell towards the earth.

hermione grabbed your shoulder and gestures upwards in a panic, harry was spiralling of control towards the sky with the snitch out of his reach.

"oh god, that does not look safe," she said as the hufflepuff player behind him got struck by lightning.

your eyes remained trained to the sky as you saw another flash of lightning in the clouds, the grey air forming a shape you almost recognised.

"come on harry!" ron shouted, his outburst breaking your train of thought as harry began to fly towards the snitch again.

you looked towards granger in fear, "why is he flying so high?"

she stared at the sky, her hand gripping yours in nervousness. "i don't know but he better come down soon because there are-"

"dementors!" ron cried, his outburst concealed in the cheering.

what happened next was quick, harry began to fall from the sky and you yelled out in shock as his body plummeted closer and closer and closer to the ground.

then his fall suddenly stopped, his body slowing as dumbledore quoted a spell to save your friends life.

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