❝10k special❞

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summary - that time harry suddenly falls in love with y/n and everyone gets very very jealous (ft. my ranting @ the bottom bc thanku for 10000 <33 )
warnings - you've read this book, you know what to expect by this point <33

you were running and you were running fast.

down the corridors of hogwarts you could hear worried whispering, happy gossiping and badly hidden laughs as you made your way to the great hall where a variety of students were eating lunch.


"y/n? you look awful, what happened?" granger asked worried. "i mean i'm not saying you look ugly b-because you don't! i just mean... yeah."

"people are saying harry likes me!" you whispered urgently. "like draco was acting all pissy this morning because someone told him
about it and now the whole school won't shut up!"

hermione laughed weakly and awkwardly patted you on the back to try and help you calm down. "it's going to be okay?" she said.

the two then heard footsteps - fast footsteps that came towards you.

an angry harry, an angry draco and a tired ron.

the chosen one and the slytherin sat opposite you as ron sat next to you with a worn out frown. when hermione went to ask him what was going on ron just raised his hand and slammed his head onto the table, exhausted.

the girls faced the others to see harry and draco glaring at each other.

granger sighed, "all i ask for is one calm day-"

"is it true, then?" draco asked you irritated. "you and potter are together?"

"we're not," you groaned. "i don't know who came up with this bullshit."

"yeah, it's just some dumb rumour that a slytherin must have started," harry added, glaring at malfoy.

the blonde scoffed, "why would i care about who y/n dates? you're the one who likes her!"

"you like her too!" he cried.

"i hate it here," ron mumbled. "i hate you all."

you placed a hand on ron's shoulder as hermione tried (and failed) to calm the others down.

"i feel like this is my fault," you said. "i'm apparently a boy magnet."

hermione rolled her eyes. "sure... boy magnet."

"hey, what's that supposed to mean!" you asked facing granger with a frown. "are you saying i'm not attractive to people?"

the smart ass' eyes widened as her cheeks flushed red. "no! no! that's not what i meant!"

ron, who still had his face burrowed into the table, let out a snort as hermione tried (and failed) to explain herself. she soon gave up instead choosing to stuff her mouth full of food and look away.

"i'm just gonna say this and leave," you mumbled. "i don't like like you guys but if i did like like you guys i wouldn't tell you because like liking any of you would ruin our dynamic, got it?"

"bet," harry said and draco nodded slowly as you got up and left.

the two boys turned to hermione with a glare, their words coming out at the same time. "she's never gonna date us is she?"

the girl nodded, "yep."

a/n: 10k reads? oh my god, why do you read this stupid shit 😭 it makes me so happy to know my dumbass thoughts and ideas are enjoyed by people & my madness is entertaining.

i literally had no plans for this book & tbh i still don't but uhm,, thank you so much for being here !! it truly means a lot :)

- ronnie 😌🤟🏾

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