❝30k special❞

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summary - harry practices his confession, draco has another realisation and you can't stop thinking about a certain boy all on the night before the last day (pre-part 24)
warnings - me crying as i write this & emotional ranting at the bottom

"right so... we've gotten closer this year and it's made me realise so much about you. you're hilarious, you're beautiful, you find ways to piss me off and make me smile within the space of a minute! you're just so- you're so-"

"you're so in love with her, that's what you are,"ron teased from him his bed.

the boys around him laughed as harry flushed red, his arms crossing defensively as seamus mocked his speech.

"oh y/n!" he cried, "i am so mesmerised by your stunning beauty!"

"y/n, you're so bloody terrifying but you make my heart go whoosh!" neville added jokingly.

dean sat next to longbottom with a smirk.

"who knew schlongbottom would enjoy teasing the chosen one?"

longbottom blushed. "w-well, for once he's the one being intimidated by y/n instead of me!" he choked.

"i am nOT intimidated by her!" harry exclaimed indignantly, his voice breaking. "she's just very intense sometimes!"

the boys laughed harder than before.

- meanwhile in the slytherin boys' dorm -

"remember that time you fired us?"

draco turned to face crabbe and goyle with a small frown, the boys staring at him bored and tired.

the goons received no answer, the blonde turning around in his bed then covered his head with a pillow muttering the word 'dumbasses' under his breath.

blaise rolled his eyes. "isn't it obvious guys?" he started. "he did all of that because the l/n girl had him wrapped around her little finger."

crabbe and goyle giggled but were immediately shut up by a quick glare from the malfoy boy.

"it's the truth," blaise continued. "you always seem to go easy on her, it's pathe-"

"watch your mouth, zabini," draco spat. "and crabbe and goyle you can forget about that mess..." he paused in his words, draco's eyes falling to the ground.

"it will never happen again."

- the gryffindor girls' dorm -

"calm your shit, l/n!" lavender laughed, as the girls watched you pace back and forth in your pyjamas.

they were playing truth or dare before this mess happened. oh, how you regretted picking truth.

all it took was parvati to ask you, "are you and potter a thing?" and suddenly there you were panicking over the fact you didn't know how to answer the question.

you should've said no, you weren't together and that was technically the truth but you were so close to saying yes.

"i like him? oh, bloody fucking hell- hermione, do i like him!?" you grabbed granger's shoulders as she stared at your nervously.

"well i know he likes you," she mumbled quietly.

"you what?" you cried.

hermione pulled you beside her and held you in her arms trying to calm your little breakdown.

"it's pretty obvious," she said. "ever since you got involved in our messes he's been all over you... everyone has."

parvarti and lavender sat opposite the two of you pleasantly confused as you relaxed in her arms, the bubblier girl grinning as she whispered 'i ship it.'


a/n: the finale is coming out on the 1st of october, it felt right for this special to leave plot lines for the future and end some things :)

i can't believe it's almost over? like, i started this book because i was bOred and now you guys have become the reason i wake up in the morning 😔👊🏾 your comments clear my skin and water my crops and all that other stuff ❤️

are you ready for the finale? because i'm not

bUt, the sequel 'hexing' will come out the day after ;)

see you soon for the final part :)

- ronnie, currently crying <3

[26 september 2020]

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