sixteen | ❝time turner❞

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y/n: hermiooneeeee (:

y/n: babeeee

mione: hi?

mione: are you okay?

y/n: i'm great! super great

y/n: i was just wondering where
you are right now?

mione: uhm,,,,,, why???

mione: i'm currently hidden
behind some pumpkins

y/n: i see...

y/n: ur not in the trees behind
the pumpkin?? ;)

mione: what????

y/n: do me a favour and do
NOT look behind you

y/n: oh merlin,, i'm talking
to 'past' hermione

y/n: or ?? present ?? idfk

mione: wait what do you mean
y/n?? past?? present?? huh??

y/n: you're using the time turner
right now babe

mione: nO way!?

y/n: why are u so shocked i-

y/n: i'm pretty sure dumb old door
gave you & harry a mission or some
shit idk

y/n: if my mother, the auror, found
out about two 3rd years interfering
with the timeline she's loose her
shit lol

mione: nonono you cannot let
the ministry now what 'i'm' up too

y/n: dw i won't

y/n: i ain't no snitch x

mione: okay thank you so much!

mione: i guess i should stay out of
my own business if dumbledore
set this up

y/n: yeah. don't intervene with urself

y/n: even though i might get
involved with ur bullshit rn

mione: please don't >:(

y/n: do you trust me?

mione: not really!?!?

y/n: hermione.

mione: ...

mione: be safe y/n

y/n: will doooo

y/n: & harry is with u btw ❤️

mione: ffs

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