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Song of the chapter:
Prayer In C (Robin Shulz Remix) by Lilly Wood & The Prick

I swallowed the lump in my throat and licked my lips, a wave of nerves consuming the entirety of my body. In all my years of school, never had I crossed paths with the assumed "Satanic figure." I had literally gone all of my years without even attaining eye contact, and I was okay with that. I wanted it that way. But all of that quickly fled when he was staring back at me, his hard brown eyes immovable.

"I, um," I stammered, resting my hands on the counter top behind me. "I'm sorry, we closed about twenty minutes ago."

His appearance was even frightening. Aside from his harsh gaze, I mean. He had a black pullover sweatshirt on with the hood up, black pants, and black sneakers. He was taking the whole "dark personality" thing to a whole new level.

So many emotions were flooding my mind in that moment, all based around the idea of fear. He was so intimidating and horrifying, yet I never even talked to him. I was simply using all of the comments made from everyone at school to determine what was going to happen next. He was described as ruthless and emotionless and spiteful. All of those words were enough to scare the shit out of me.

He didn't say anything at first, he only raised his hands to remove his hood. His light brown, messy, pushed up hair was revealed to my eyes. "Mind getting me some coffee, sweetheart? I've got a big night ahead of me. Can't fall asleep."

My eyebrows pulled together, and I suddenly wasn't all that intimidated anymore. I was baffled by his lack of respect.

Sweetheart? Who the fuck does he think he is?

"Did you not hear what I just said? We're closed. If you want coffee so bad, go down the street to the twenty-four hour McDonalds."

He chuckled, stepping a little closer to me. There was still about five feet between us, but that was close enough. I didn't want him near me, ever. "I'll take it with two sugars, please. In the meantime, I'll be in the bathroom."

His tone was nothing less than demanding. Immediately, he had repelled me with his cocky attitude and absence of manners. It was a real mystery as to why so many girls fell for him, because he wasn't charming me in the slightest. He was absolutely, one hundred percent rude.

Before I had the opportunity to fight back, he was walking passed me to the men's bathroom on the other side of the diner. I watched him push open the door and disappear behind it, leaving me to the same silence that had been revoked from be before Justin came in. Only then, I was enveloped in a state of shock. It instantaneously left when I remembered who I was encountering. From the dozens of girls who snapped at him in the cafeteria, I gathered that he was a rude, selfish, heartless, mannerless, piece of shit. So far, those girls were all on point. He fit the bill perfectly.

Maybe I should just make him a coffee, I thought, biting the skin on my bottom lip. If I do, he'll leave me alone and I won't have to deal with his 'wrath.' Maybe I should just . . .

No, my mind instantly flipped on itself. I'm not going to kiss the ground he walks on like every other girl at school just because he's attractive. So what if he's kind of . . . Regardless, I'm not going to let him push me around with his cocky attitude just because he was blessed with decent genetics.

Letting my relentlessness get the best of me, I spun back around and continued to clean off the bar like I was actually supposed to do. I ignored the fact that the ever so monstrous Justin Bieber was in my family's eighty-year-old diner, tainting the vicinity with his snake-like presence. I figured that if I just overlooked his existence in general, he would leave me alone and go bother somebody else.

Soulless (Justin Bieber Love Story / Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now