Chapter 1

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Rubbing my eyes to wake up I sat up in bed. Sunlight was peaking through my curtains hitting me in the face. While running a hand through my hair I got out of bed and walked to my connected bathroom. Wow I look like a mess. I had purple eyebags under my eyes with a slightly yellow bruise healing on my left cheek and my hair was wild from sleeping. Sighing I did my morning routine before walking back to my room to change. Putting on a white tank-top with plain black capris I walked into the kitchen. What should I make? Eggs and toast? Yeah let's go with that. I started getting out the pan for the eggs and put the toast in the toaster. While I was cooking the eggs I felt arms wrap around from me from behind. Smiling I took one hand off the pan and put it on top of theirs. "Morning sleepy head." I heard a chuckle from behind me and they buried their face more into my back. "You want some?" A nod was felt and I took the finished egg out of the pan with the spatula. "Could you get a plate?" The hands disappeared and I heard cupboards being opened while I started cooking the second egg. When a plate was set down next to me I put the cooked egg on and motioned to the toaster behind me and said, "There is toast in there that's ready." I didn't get a verbal answer but instead got a kiss on the cheek. Smiling I finished cooking my breakfast and walked around the wall to sit at the dinner table. Victoria was already halfway done eating by the time I got there, "Jeez did you inhale your food?" We both started laughing and I sat down next to her looking out our sliding glass door. After high school Victoria and I moved to our own apartment with Tony and Jonathan who got the apartment under ours. We all thought that we weren't ready to move in with our boyfriends and girlfriends just yet so we split. Luna and Delilah are still going strong and moved out here together at a different apartment complex about four blocks down.

We all go to college which was about a 10 minute drive from our apartment. And honestly I wasn't too excited about starting. As if Victoria could sense my thoughts she put her head on my shoulder and a hand on my arm. "You stopped eating. What are you thinking about?" I looked away from the doors and to Victoria who took her head off my shoulder to look at me better. I gave her a small smile and said, "Nothing really just over thinking some things." Before she could say anything else someone started knocking on the door. Victoria looked at me once more before getting up to go open the door. While I finished my food I could hear Jonathan and Tony walk in and start talking to Victoria. When I put the last piece of food in my mouth there were arms that went around my neck and a kiss placed on my left cheek. "Hey baby." I smiled and continued to chew my food while I turned to look at Tony. He sat down where Victoria sat and cupped my right cheek, "You look like an adorable chipmunk." I scrunched my nose and swallowed the food, "Well at least chipmunks are cute so I'll take the complement." I leaned in to kiss him but before I closed my eyes I saw him smile. Tony met me halfway and we met in a slow sweet kiss. All of a sudden I heard gagging coming from my left. We broke apart and saw Jonathan with Victoria under his arm gagging. We stood up and I lightly hit Jonathan's shoulder, "Oh shush I don't say anything with you two." Jonathan let go of Victoria and hugged me saying, "Good to see you." I smiled at him and patted his shoulder walking to my room, "Let me change because I have a feeling you all want to do something." I heard laughing coming from behind me before I closed my door.

Once I was changed I walked back out to them talking to each other on the couch. "So where we headed?" Jonathan looked at me and said, "I was thinking the mall so we can walk around for a bit then I was thinking go carting?" I smiled and nodded, "Alright let's get going then." Tony walked over to me while I grabbed my keys and ushered everyone out. "Whose car are we taking because I'm not driving." Everyone laughed and continued to walk down the stairs. Lucky for us our apartment complex only have 3 floors. Tony spoke up next to me, "I'll drive today." When we got down to the garage I sat passenger while Victoria and Jonathan sat in the back. On the way to the mall we cracked jokes and talked about our upcoming freshmen year of college. We stopped when Tony parked and all got out. A couple minutes later while we were walling around I saw a familiar brunette walk out of a store a couple feet in front of us. "LU!" I shouted and started running towards her. Luna turned around smiling and started running towards me. I started to slow down and Luna jumped onto me. I caught her by the bottom of the thighs and spun us around laughing. Luna put her head in my neck while we held onto each other tightly when I stopped spinning us. "Faith I missed you." I smiled into her neck, "I missed you too." I hadn't seen Luna or Delilah since our high school graduation which was about two months ago because they became busy with their apartment and families while the rest of us did the same. "Alright Faith could I have my girlfriend back?" Delilah laughed from behind Luna. I set Luna down and squeezed her hand that I was still holding. I let go of her hand and went to hug Delilah while Luna hugged everyone else. I had my arms around Delilah's neck while hers were around my waist. "Long time no see Faith." We broke apart and I smiled at her, "I could say the same Del." I turned around to the rest of the group and let Delilah hug everyone else. Tony put his arm over my shoulders when I walked over to him and I said to Luna and Delilah, "Join us today?" They looked at each other and shrugged, "I don't see why not."

For the rest of the mall time we went in and out of stores getting a few things and messing around like we were 12 year olds again. To say that we were having fun is an understatement. At one point everyone was laughing so hard we had started crying and an old couple had to tell us to quite down. The reason we were laughing so hard was because we had dared Delilah to run into a garbage can and make a dramatic fall in front of as many people as she could. She had all 20 people that she fell in front of go over and help her because she had made it that believable. Victoria broke our laughing fit and said, "How about we eat then head over to the go cart track." Everyone agreed and started walking to the food court. On the way there I listened to the conversation everyone was having while my mind was somewhere else. "Panda?" Delilah said to which everyone nodded to. Sitting at one of the round booths we all climbed in after ordering. While we were eating we talked about old memories and small talk until we left. Delilah and Luna were going to meet us there since they drove themselves to the mall. When we were in the line we paid separately but raced together at the same time. We had a bet going for whoever loses they have to host a slumber party including food and drinks. We all shook on it and put our helmets on getting ready. When we got the green light to go to our cars I ran and got into the 3rd car. The order was Jonathan, Victoria, me, Tony, Luna, and Delilah. We listened while they told us the rules and waited for the light to change to green. When it was on yellow I got more into the zone as if I was going into a fight and we all sped off when the light turned green. Into the first 2 laps I was stuck in second behind Jonathan and Tony close behind. On the last lap I pushed the gas as far down as it could go and waited until Jonathan slipped up.

On the last turn Jonathan turned too wide which made me able to turn on the inside lane passing him at the last second. Crossing the finish line in first I raised my hand in victory and slowed down to park the cart back. When we were all looking at the score board we saw Victoria came in last just seconds after Luna. I walked over to Victoria and put an arm around her, "Aw babe you were so close." She huffed and said, "I guess I am hosting." Once she said that I had felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Marcus: "Want to fight tonight?"

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