Chapter 11.

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“Michael, what’s going on here?” I’m confused as ever. Michael is not my boyfriend and I’m not his girlfriend. He isn’t in the position to decide about who I should kiss and who not.

Before he answers, he leaves the coffee shop and I look confused at Brandon. He’s smirking like an asshole.

“What’s so funny Brandon?”

“Nothing.” I can’t decide if he’s lying. My subconscious tells me that he is, but I’m not in the mood to press him to tell me.

“Does Michael have feelings for… either of us?” It could be that he’s gay too, I don’t know it yet.

“Maybe, but I don’t think that he’s gay though.” Brandon’s stupid ass grin pushes me on the edge of my nerves.

“He’s my friend Brandon. I’ll go and search him whether you want it or not.”

“Okay. What do you want to drink?” He looks annoyed, stressed even.

“A lime refresher. And for Mikey a hot chocolate. He doesn’t like coffee.”

Brandon nods and I disappear through the door before he can say anything else.

The sun is almost setting and it’s gotten cold. I zip my jacket and spy through the street in order to find Michael.

He can’t have walked far and I take the right, as the pavement is gone on the left because the street leads into a highway and I hope for god’s sake that Michael hasn’t walked on the highway. I don’t have the power to run after him at the moment and I pray that he’s still on this street.

My prayers have been heard, as I find him a few feet next to the coffee on a bench, staring at the passing people.

I sit down next him and say nothing.

He does the same and we stay silent for a few moments before I finally say something: “Michael, what was that?”

Michael sighs. “I like you Gemma… And I asked him to protect you because I know how many guys want you.”

“Then why didn’t you just do it yourself?” I’m really wondering why he didn’t. I mean, if he likes me, he could just do it himself. And I’m not a bitch, I don’t climb into bed with everyone. Oh wait, I do.

“Because I thought I wasn’t strong enough. And I have too much other problems to deal with Mr. Tanner at the moment.” That’s true. He gets sent to the principal’s office at least three times a week.

“Oh.” I want to say more, something comforting, but I can’t think of anything smart at the moment.

“I didn’t know he liked you too. I wanted to make slow moves, show you how I am, how much I like you. I hoped you would fall for me some time. But it’s too late now, I guess.”

“I don’t know what to say Michael. I like you. I like you really much, but not like that. I love Brandon in a way I’ve never felt before.” I didn’t know I could be that… well, corny. I don’t even know if I love Brandon. I just like him a little. Well, a little bit more than a little.

“I know that. But I want you to know that whenever you feel lonely or sad, you can come to me or call me or whatever.”

“Of course. You’re my best friend.” Michael shoves his hands into his pockets. I can tell that he’s trying his hardest not to have an outburst. I don’t know what sort of, but by the way he’s biting his lip, I guess he’s angry at Brandon.

“I’ll wait for you Gemma. I’ll wait until you break up with Brandon-“

“That will never happen.” Brandon sits down next to me and hands Michael the hot chocolate and me the lime refresher.

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