Burn It Down

895 26 52

July 23 2019

Alex was fixing his outfit that he wore last week on Smackdown. Already Some People Didnt enjoy Alex's Actions last week to Chad Gable not to mention The Crowd seems to Hate Alex even more. Alex got a video call from an Old Friend as He gave a smirk before answering it.

Jay: You Crazy Man, How are you doing?

Switchblade Jay White was his name and let's say He was a Childhood friend of Alex. Both Alex and Jay have been buddies for many years and trained together in NJPW Dojo, When Alex left NJPW Back in 2018 just Four months after becoming the leader of bullet club. Alex asked Tama to make Jay White the next leader of Bullet Club to which Tama accepted Alex Request.

Alex: Buddy, How are you?

Jay: I'm doing good and fine well expect your not here

Alex: Sorry to disappoint ya Switchblade but I'm here in this Old mans company

Jay: Haha That Old Man offered me a place in the Main Roster but I didnt accept it because it's pointless

Alex: I know that Buddy

Jay: You Know Bullet Club is missing you right now. We miss your antics and promos. We even miss the crazy times we had

Alex: Well whenever I'm free we can all have fun and possibly talk about breaking Okada in Two

Jay: Ahahaha Never Change Will Ya mate?

Alex: Never will Jay, I gotta go now Jay. See ya soon

Alex disconnected the phone call as Alex saw Drew and the others as Alex walked towards the group.

Alex: So else is in our group now?

Dolph: Roode and He accepted it

Corbin: I'm gonna enjoy this

Drew: Me too, Paige really thinks this is all easy but now with Alex Control. We can do whatever we want on his authority

Dolph: Yes indeed but we gotta protect our brother too since he still needs to recover from his neck injury

Corbin: Ah Yeah, When will you compete then Alex?

Alex: Who knows? Till then I'm just a Authority figure

Drew: Well we got your back incase of anything.

Alex and The Others heard an Argument as They saw The Revival Arguing with Paige.

Alex: Wonder why the Revival are Arguing with Glampyre?

Dolph: Your the Constable how the hell do you not know?

Alex: Well sometimes I slack around but either way let's see what's their problem?

Dash: I can't believe you Paige, We have been working our butts off for the last couple of months and you give our opportunity to the new day?!?!

Paige: You Two have been causing trouble and starting attacks from your matches which is unacceptable and therefore I can't give you the opportunities you deserve

Alex: What's going on here Glam?

Paige: Ambrose, Dont get involved it has nothing to do with you here

Alex: Uhh sorry there sweet cakes but I'm the Constable here and therefore I want to know What's the issue?

Scott: Paige is not giving us an Opportunity to face the New Day for the Tag Titles and We hate it

Alex: Come on Sweet Cakes, These are innocent kids. Give them the opportunity they deserve

Paige: Ambrose, You stay the hell out of this Situation right now and I will never give them the opportunity they need

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