Know Your Enemy

461 17 49

August 20 2019

Alex was at the restaurant with Lacey and Summer as He let them order whatever they wanted. Alex was holding his neck as Lacey was staring at him.

Lacey: So how will you deal with Micheal and Paige?

Alex: I have a plan

Summer: It looks like you dont even have a plan

Alex: Well Summer, Plan or not. I have some surprises

Lacey: I see

Alex: Leaving Micheal and Paige aside. How are you?

Lacey: Good, Just tired

Alex: Well it's what you signed up for right?

Lacey: Yeah, but I want to know what's it like being you?

Alex: Well I annoy people, Kick ass-

Summer kicked Alex's leg as Alex was staring at her.

Alex: The hell was that for?

Summer kicked Alex's leg again as Lacey was laughing at them.

Lacey: She doesn't like any swear words

Alex: I see, Sorry Your Majesty

Summer: No Worries Ambrose

Lacey: Go On Alex

Alex: Its just a nice life. Leading the club, Winning Titles, Playing Mind games on my opponents. It's fun being me only downside is having an annoying sister.

Lacey: Sister?

Alex: Catherine Rose Ambrose, Shes Known as Lady Anarchy in Stardom.

Lacey: I see

Summer: Can I meet the Bullet Club?

Alex: Sure, I'll let you even wear their merch

Summer: Thank you Alex, Your Awesome

Alex: Your Welcome Little Rose

Lacey was smiling at the sight of Alex and Summer interacting with each other. Lacey couldn't help but smile at Alex.

Alex: Umm Am I too irresistible?

Lacey: What?

Alex: You were staring at me

Lacey: Oh it's nothing Alex

Alex: Alright it then, Wanna join my Regime?

Lacey: I'll think about it Alex.Right now I'm trying to make a good career as a singles competitor and not join random factions or groups just to win.

Alex: I see. Well good luck on that and if you need anything. I'm here for you

Lacey: Thank you, Who knew such a hated guy like you in the ring is such a sweetheart in real life.

Alex: Well it's my Mom. She raised me as a sweet nice boy

Summer: Well Your Mom also must have told you not to swear too much.

Alex: *Sigh* Like Mother, Like Daughter

Lacey and Summer laughed as Alex just gave a smile to them. Alex paid for the food and left as Lacey and summer reached the Hotel.

Lacey: Well it was nice meeting you Alex. I'll see you soon

Alex: You too Lacey

Lacey and Summer left as Alex also went to Hotel. He opened his room and just fell on the bed as he was tired.

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