
356 14 87

October 8 2019

Alex was hanging around backstage with his regime as they were asking the anarchist some questions. After Hogan put the challenge on Alex. Alex already has his team set and ready to beat Hogan's Team at Crown Jewel.

Dolph: Come on Alex, Who is it?

Alex: That Information is Confidential

Charlotte: Stop being a tease Anarchy.

Corbin: Come on Bro. Tell us who is in your team?

Alex: How about No?

Drew: Come on guys. Let's just wait till next weeks Smackdown.

Scott: God I wanna know the surprise.

Alex: Calm down everyone. You'll see next week.

Dash: So Do you trust your new team?

Alex: I'm actually friends with them. We have been on each other's sides for a while so With their help. We are gonna crush that old man and send his fuck-

Alex felt a kick on his leg as He looked down and saw Summer.

Summer: What did I say about swearing?

Alex: Dolph, Go buy one chocolate milkshake.

Dolph: Why me?

Alex: Because I said so

Dolph left to as Alex and the others were laughing at him.

Alex: So what's up Kid?

Summer: Nothing, Wanna Hang out with Mom?

Alex: Sure Thing Kiddo.

Drew: What about us?

Alex: Buy me a steak.

Scott: Alright Boss.

Dash and Scott left as Alex was confused.

Alex: Ahhh Alright then.

Charlotte: You need to stop eating more Anarchy.

Alex: I'll try not to eat too much.

Alex told Drew, Corbin and Charlotte to show Summer around Backstage as Alex went to grab his bag until he heard an arguement as he decided hear it out.

Vince: I don't care what you have to do. Kill Pierre at King Of Pro Wrestling.

Stephanie: Dad please think this through. He's your grandson

Triple H: I don't care Stephanie. That Boy already caused us too much trouble and now we're gonna do what's best for business.

Alex: *Chuckles* They want to kill Pierre. No one can beat or kill that man.

Vince: Hunter's right Stephanie. Seth Rollins is going against Pierre for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship Next week and we need Rollins to have that title. This is my decision. We are gonna kill Pierre and take that title with him.

Alex quietly walked away as Alex was laughing to himself. Alex saw Corbin walking as He had some questions for the lone wolf.

Alex: I didn't know Vince had a collaboration with New Japan.

Corbin: Well Vince had plans to give special stars Tier 2 contracts like Japan.

Alex: Basically His Golden Boys and Girls.

Corbin: Yup, Next Week in King Of Pro Wrestling. It will be Pierre Knight Vs Seth Rollins for The IWGP Heavyweight Championship.

Alex: Huh I see.

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