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January 13 2020

Alex along with Lacey and Summer were at Rose's House as Catherine was helping Alex and Lacey in the house While Rose plays with Summer. Things have changed a lot for Alex and Lacey in 2019. Alex definitely had a great year and he even got multiple awards to prove it along with Lacey.

Lacey won Shocking Moment Of The Year When She Attacked Micheal and Helped Alex win At Clash Of Champions. She was also ranked 10 out 50 best in PWI Female Wrestlers and received many more.

Alex on the other hand is something else. He won Three Match of the year awards. Him vs Micheal McMahon at Clash Of Champions, Him vs Finn Balor At SummerSlam and Him vs Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series. Alex was also ranked 1 out of 500 PWI Wrestlers. He was also Superstar of the year.

Alex was helping Lacey as he smiled at her.

Alex: So What's next for us?

Lacey: Maybe Dinner or Something more~

Alex: I like the sound of that.

Cathy: Get a Room You Two.

Alex: Who invited you?

Cathy: I'm your sister Alex.

Alex: Oh I never knew that.

Cathy hit Alex and walked away as Alex hugged Lacey and smiled at her.

Alex: Your Gorgeous.

Lacey: Your Handsome.

Alex: It is kinda interesting having you on my side. You did changed me.

Lacey: Same Alex. I'm glad I'm in love with you.

Alex and Lacey kissed as Summer walked and hugged Alex.

Alex: What's the matter?

Summer: I want a hug!!!

Alex: You'll get a hug....

Lacey and Alex grabbed Summer and hugged her as she hugged them back and smiled. They were such a happy family together and They really loved each other.

January 14 2020

Alex was fixing his jacket as He smiled at Lacey.

Alex: What's up Beautiful?

Lacey: Doing good Handsome.

Alex and Lacey had a talk together as He noticed the revival was missing as Alex was confused by it.

Alex: Hey Dolph. What happened to the Revival?

Dolph: They were just-

Alex saw something on the TV as he was watching it and stared at it. The Revival were both hanged upside down as A Man with a Crowbar came in and started whacking both Scott and Dash.

Man: Tell Me. Are You Alex Ambrose?

Scott: No im-

The Man laughed as He whacked both Scott and Dash repeatedly until he looked at them.

Man: Will The Real Alex Ambrose Stand up?


Alex smirked to himself. He will finally get to meet the guy who's being bothering him for the last two months. Alex kept searching until Corbin along with Dolph backed up in fear as Alex ran towards them and found The Revival but in a different way.

 Alex kept searching until Corbin along with Dolph backed up in fear as Alex ran towards them and found The Revival but in a different way

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