
368 13 36

October 6 2019

Alex was at the Park with Lacey and Summer as Alex was pushing the swing that Summer was on. Alex was talking to Lacey while He was pushing the Swing.

Lacey: So You and Summer are hanging out more often.

Alex: Well The Kid is a fan of me and my work.

Lacey: I didn't knew you were that nice

Alex: Sometimes I'm nice. Other times I'm Fearless and Psychotic.

Lacey: We can tell Alex. You are the Warbringer after all.

Alex: And Psychotic Anarchist.

Lacey: You still go by that nickname?

Alex: Yup. I mean I loved that Nickname when I first started wrestling.

Lacey: Interesting Alex. By the way What do you think of your Payback Match?

Alex: It won't be a problem. I beat Aldis Once and I'm not afraid to beat him again.

Summer: Well Dont lose your teeth Then Alex.

Alex: Stop making fun of me or I won't buy you ice cream.

Summer: Make me.

Alex rolled his eyes as Lacey was laughing at Alex.

Alex: You just love to see me being mad fun of huh?

Lacey: It looks funny when your losing an arguement to a kid.

Alex: Funny

Lacey: Good Luck on your match at Payback.

Alex: Thanks

Lacey: Do you need me to accompany you?

Alex: Nope, I'll handle this by myself.

Lacey: Okay Alex if you say so.

Alex, Lacey and Summer left the park and went straight to the arena where Payback would be taking place. Alex was feeling confident about his match and He will make Aldis Taste War and Despair.

The Pay-per-view began as the match cards were shown and the action was already set in as Alex and Nick will open the show with their match. Alex was fixing his Black Constable gear as he was wearing his mask until Lacey walked towards him.

Lacey: Good Luck Ambrose

Alex: *Smirks* I dont need luck but Thanks I guess

Lacey: *Smirks* I know but I decided to still say Good luck.

Alex: Alright. Thanks Lacey

Lacey: You're Welcome Anarchy

Alex heard Producers calling his name as Alex left as Lacey was waving at him.

Alex made his entrance as he was laughing at the crowd before doing the Bullet Club Taunt then the Cutthroat Taunt. Alex Was smiling as he got in the ring. Alex went on the top rope and did his taunt as his music emitted around the Angry arena. Alex smiled as he taunted the crowd saying that he was the best. Alex music stop playing as Alex was waiting for his Opponent.

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