Biltz Play

689 23 72

July 30 2019

Alex was fixing his black constable outfit that he has been wearing since he returned to Smackdown Live. Alex was twisting his neck as he was stretching out until He saw a Little Girl walking around without any Guardian as Alex was looking confused. Alex decided to talk to the Little Girl since He likes to know which Dumb Parent left their Child Alone.

Alex: What's a Little girl like you doing here alone with no parent?

Little Girl: My Mom is fixing her ring attire

Alex: Uh huh?

Little Girl: Dont be Sarcastic Alex Ambrose You Nasty

Alex: Nasty?

Little Girl: Because you are one Alex Ambrose. Your a Bullet Club Leader and A Hater of The Elite

Alex: Looks like Someone is a Big Fan of me. Interesting Girl

Little Girl: I have a Name

Alex picked the Little Girl up as She was sitting in Alex's Shoulder.

Alex: What's your name then?

Little Girl: Summer

Alex: Cute Name but I hate Summer

Summer: Why?

Alex: I hate it because I hate the season in general along with the summer heat

Summer: Hahahahaha

Alex: Like the Joke?

Summer: Yes

Alex: Good

Summer: So What's it like being you?

Alex: I'll let you be in my place whenever I have time

Summer: I love your work in New Japan and Ring of Honor but i hate you for one thing

Alex: What is it Your Majesty?

Summer: I hate your Cocky Attitude and You swear a lot.

Alex: Well I have a Bad Habit of Swearing So Dont blame me

Summer: Well You better change it or else

Alex: What will you do Tiny?

Summer: I will knock you out

Alex: Sure *Sarcastic Voice*

Summer: Its True

Alex: Alright then

Someone was calling Summers name as Alex turned to see a Women walking towards him.

Alex: Lady, Its not nice leaving your kid

Lacey: Well I'm sorry

Alex: No Worries

Summer got off of Alex's Shoulder as She was standing beside her Mom.

Lacey: My Daughter has a Habit of Running Around

Alex: Sure besides She is an Interesting one too

Lacey: What do you mean?

Alex: She said She will knock me out for having a Cocky Attitude along with a Bad Habit of Swearing

Lacey: Well That's My Daughter and She knows the Rules and Respect it

Alex: But I have a Habit of breaking the rules and not giving a shit

Summer kicked Alex knee as Alex looked at her.

Summer: Language Ambrose

Alex: Sorry Your Highness

Lacey laughed as Alex just gave a smirk.

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