Era Of War

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November 4 2019

*Video Package*

It was a Tag Team Match as The Usos were going against The Viking Raiders until........

Renee: Wait a minute. That's The Revival from Smackdown Live.

The Usos tried to fight back but The New Day showed up as All Hell broke loose. Some of the Womens Divison came aiding them until They were attacked by Asuka, Io, Kairi, Rhea and Lacey as They lead their army into the fight. Seth lead the Mens locker Room to the Fight but James along with Yugoslavia brought in their men as They attacked Seth's team. In the End RAW has Fallen due to an Invasion by Smackdown as Kurt Angle ran in the ring to save the everyone but was attacked by Alex as He grabbed Kurt and hit a

Corey: Scythe Runner by the Prince of War.

Cole: Alex and Smackdown made a Statement on RAW.

Alex: Welcome to the Era of War everyone!!!!

*End of Video Package*

November 5 2019

Smackdown live was officially kicked off as The Entire Mens and Womens division were outside the ring as They were waiting for the Leader of this Brand.

Alex made his entrance as Yugoslavia and James were with him along Lacey as Alex did his Bullet Club Taunt before he did the classic gun finger taunt as Prince Devitt used to do in NJPW. Alex made it to the ring as The Crowd was booing him. Blood taunted the crowd as Rade and Luka did the same. Alex was smiling as he had a microphone in his hand.

Alex: Last Night On RAW Was The Only Episode Of RAW That we made Watchable.

Blood: Seth Rollins keeps calling RAW The A Show but In Reality It was Like watching a Dog shitting in someone's yard.

James: Now that's how you summarise RAW of 2019.

Rade: And the men that tried to stop our invasion were all pathetic.

Luka: Poor Bastards.

Alex: Aside from that. Let's move to our WWE Champion Kofi who set to go against Universal Champion Brock at Survivor Series now The Question Lingers Can Kofi Compete?

Kofi: I'm ready, i can do this-

Blood: First of all, You injured yourself at Crowns Jewel and made the pain worse for you Last Night.

James: How are you suppose to beat Brock if your Injury?

Kofi: You think This Injury can stop me from competing. I'm a Champion and I'm not scared of a fight.

Alex: That's Stupid because from what I know Brock whopped your ass in two minutes and if you face him again then consider the match done in two seconds. As General Manager Elect, Your out of Survivor Series.

Kofi was shocked as Big E and Xavier were arguing with Alex.

Alex: Sorry looks like Brock needs to find a better opponent and Kofi Get to a hospital or else I might need to break your leg like how I broke Tanahashi's leg.

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