Town Hall

597 22 75

August 13 2019

Lacey was at Backstage fixing her hat while Talking to The IIconics, Alexa Bliss and Mickie James. It was the Smackdown after Summerslam and The Roster was suppose to attend a Town Hall That Paige set up. Some people in the roster already found Alex as a Maniac and His Work as a Authority Figure Is causing trouble for other stars. Lacey and Her Friends left the Locker room as They were having a Talk.

Peyton: I dont know what to expect in this new era

Mickie: Its The Era Of War as Alex was saying

Alexa: Either Way This Town Hall Better Be Interesting

Billie: If Not then we're leaving

Mickie: So Lacey, Which Authority Figure Do You Trust?

Lacey: I Find Alex Interesting Because Summer Showed me His Work In Japan And Ring of Honor. He seems to Hate The Elite.

Alexa: That's Alex Ambrose Alright, He did Betray The Elite Just To Become Leader Of Bullet Club. He even Double Crossed Kota Ibushi in The G1 Finals. Broke his arm just a Day before the finals

Peyton: Looks like He is Unpredictable after all

Billie: Well We better Hope He does his Job Properly

The Girls Heard Whistling as They Turned around and saw Alex Ambrose with a Bandage to his Right Arm along with Him Putting Ice on his Left Eye. He was wearing the same Constable outfit that he fought Balor at Summerslam expect two buttons are gone.

Lacey: You Look like a Mess

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Lacey: You Look like a Mess

Alex: Tell me about it, I fought a Demon and I even have Battle Scars from it

Peyton: Well This is what happens when you act Over Confident and Cocky

Alex: Well Excuse me But Who the hell are you?


Alex: I only know Lacey, Alexa and Mickie But I dont know you two

Peyton: I'm Peyton Royce

Billie: I'm Billie Kay

Peyton/Billie: AND WE ARE THE IICONICS!!!!

Alex: I see, Well Orion hasn't told me about Two Annoying Australian Wrestlers. I might need to kill him.

(Orion Steel is Hariz_Prest1ge )

Mickie: Wait a minute, You Know Orion Steel?

Alex: How can I not know him? He is my Bullet Club Brother.

Alexa: Ohh Well Tell Orion We said Hi because we are all good friends of him

Alex: Will Do Bliss, Oww my Eye

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