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August 18 2019

Catherine was at her house as she was watching TV until she heard the door bell as She opened the door and saw her old friend as she screamed in happiness.

Cathy: ABELLA!!!!!

Abella: Catherine, oh my god Sister I miss you so much

Catherine and Abella hugged each other. Catherine and Abella go back four years ago. They were good friends for so long that even Abella became Cathy's Bridesmaid too. Abella and Cathy had a nice talk abou their past.

Abella: How is your Husband Cathy?

Cathy: He's doing alright. Hes working in Japan right now

Abella: I see and I'm glad he's doing alright

Cathy: What about Jared?

Abella: Jared and I are doing good too Cathy. I decided to meet you since you wanted to Talk right?

Cathy: Yeah Abella. Since you left WWE I was thinking Wanna join me in Stardom?

Abella: I would love too Cathy and what's the plan when we go to Stardom?

Cathy: Well The Goddess Of Stardom Tag Titles would look Good on us. Besides I'm planning on Joining AEW Too.

Abella: Wait Really?

Cathy: Yes and together We can rule the Womens Divison

Abella: That Would be amazing Cathy. I cant wait to go for the Tag Titles

Cathy: Yes indeed. Maybe You can go after the women of honor championship too.

Abella: I'm planning on going for that

Cathy: Oh my God. I cant wait to rule the entire womens wrestling business with my sister

Abella: Me too

Cathy: Wait, Have you met Alex?

Abella: I didn't see him, Isnt he Scheduled for Smackdown Live?

Cathy: Oh I knew he will do something like that

Abella: What do you mean?

Cathy: Its just after Dads Death. Alex never celebrates his own birthday. The Thing is Our Dad passed away on Alex's Sixth Birthday and ever since then He never celebrates his birthday. Well He celebrates me and our moms birthday but He eats a Muffin and says Happy Birthday to himself. Today is his Twenty Ninth Birthday.

Abella: Oh my god, I feel sorry for him. I wish he atleast tells us

Cathy: Well That's My Brother. He keeps things to himself and never tells it to anyone.

Abella: Well We can talk to him when he comes back home

Cathy: Let's hope so, Wanna do some training to get your return ready?

Abella: I would love to do that

Cathy and Abella trained together and talked more about each others past and Love Life. Abella said her goodbyes to Catherine as Catherine did the same thing as She got a Phone call about a Upcoming Ring of Honor event that she was planning on going.

Cathy: I'll let Abella know soon

August 20 2019

Alex was holding his neck as He ate a brownie and said Happy Birthday to himself. Even though he was two days late. He decided to still do it. Alex was jumping around as He saw The Revival along with Drew, Corbin, Charlotte and Dolph.

Alex: So what are we gonna do?

Charlotte: Well I have the Smackdown womens championship on me

Alex: That's great and?

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