Bitter Enemies

452 17 90

September 17 2019

Alex, Lacey and Summer were at a Cafe since they arrived to New Orleans where Smackdown Live would be taking place. Alex brought for Summer A Chocolate Milkshake as It was gift to her.

Summer: I didn't know The Warbringer gifts people.

Alex: Be happy I spent my money just to buy you a Milkshake. Kids these days

Lacey: *Chuckles* She only ask why did you gifted her a Milkshake?

Alex: Because I feel like. I mean I let Orion and Pierre pay for my food.

Lacey: I see. Then again Thanks for the meal Ambrose

Alex: No Problem and Thanks for The assist By the way.

Lacey: You're Welcome Ambrose

Summer: Mom, Why did you help Alex anyways?

Lacey: Because Alex's Era is better then Paige's Era and if Michael wins then Smackdown Live will be boring again

Summer: I guess so but You keep Staring at him

Alex: Uhhh What now?

Lacey: *Blushes* Oh it's nothing Alex

Alex: Your Face is Red as a Tomato

Lacey: Its actually nothing Alex

Alex: Alright then and by the way Wanna Accompany me in the ring tonight?

Lacey: *Smiles* I would love to Alex

Alex: Thanks Lacey

Alex left as Lacey was staring at Alex leaving. Summer was looking at her Mom as she was smiling at her.

Summer: You love him Mom?

Lacey: I think I do

Smackdown Live

It was the Smackdown after Clash Of Champions as Everyone was hyped to see what action awaits for them. Alex was sitting backstage as he was texting to both Jared and Abella. Alex trained Abella a bit and would go to Japan to See Abella and Cathy match for the Goddess of Stardom Tag Titles. Alex would also plan on going to AEW Dark to meet the others too. Alex saw Lacey walking towards him as he gave a smirk.

Alex: Glad You're Here Partner

Lacey: Yup so Ready?

Alex: Yup Let's do this

They both waited at the gorilla position as Alex told the producers to play his music.

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