Old Friends

611 25 83

August 13 2019

Alex was at backstage just jumping as he was ready for his match against Braun Strowman. Alex twisted his neck as he was ready to bring the fight to the monster. Alex saw Lacey staring at him as he looked.

Alex: What's the matter?

Lacey: Nothing, Just wondering how are you doing all this?

Alex: Its fun, I like to get on people's nerves and start random rivalries for no reason. It gives an Adrenaline Kick

Lacey: That's one strange way of getting an Adrenaline Kick

Alex: Maybe if you can hang out with me more often

Lacey: *Chuckles* I would love too

Alex: Alright, Next week after Smackdown. Let's go somewhere

Lacey: Sure

Alex: I gotta go now Lacey. Talk later

Alex walked away as Lacey was smiling at him.

Lacey: Such an Innocent and Carefree boy

Braun made his entrance as Anger written all over his face. Braun got in the ring and did his taunt as he roared to the crowd. Braun stand still as he was waiting for his opponent.

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Alex was walking down as He did the Bullet Club Taunt

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Alex was walking down as He did the Bullet Club Taunt. Alex got in as he did Naitos taunt. Braun was just staring at Alex as Alex got in the ring and removed the mask as he gave a smirk. Alex and Braun had a intense stare down as The Referee ring the bell and Alex just slapped Braun in the face as He was staring at him. Alex gave two middle fingers right on Brauns face as Braun pushed Alex to the corner and hit a Closeline. Braun ran to hit another one but Alex hit a boot as Alex climbed on the middle rope and hit a

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