Sent To Destroy

261 12 58

November 11 2019

Alex and Lacey were next to each other as She was kissing Alex's cheeks and smiled at him as Alex hugged her.

Lacey: Your such a pumpkin.

Alex: You're so cute. Glad Summer is not here otherwise she might kill me for not giving her a milkshake.

Lacey: Hahahahaha Seriously I love the way you and summer get along. Seriously she likes you so much.

Alex: Its because I have charm and everything. You know me.

Lacey: I do know you and you are one handsome Artist of War.

Alex kissed Lacey as She kissed him back until Yugoslavia and James interrupted them.

Alex: Jeez guys. Ever heard of privacy?

James: No but what's the plan Ambrose?

Rade: We're going in on your commend.

Alex: Well it's simple. Just destroy everywhere we see and take over this place. Kinda like how Nexus did back then.

Blood: Destruction.......I like it.

James: We should also make sure to send them a very clear message from us.

Alex: This is not Smackdown Live Boys. These idoits are stepping in the era of war and they need to realise it. We'll make sure at Survivor Series, We will make a clean sweep.

Lacey: Then I'll make sure we'll win this fight for you.

Alex: Thank you Darling.

Alex and his team were waiting around as Alex gave the lead and then.......

Alex made his entrance as he did the gun finger and RAW and NXT Teams started swarming the ring as it was an all out Brawl. James along with Yugoslavia and Smackdown were taking the fight as It was getting worse and worse until Luka hit a Moonsault knocking everyone down. Alex had a cane on his hand as He told Corbin to drag Paul Heyman. Corbin dragged Paul as Alex had a sadistic smirk on his face.

Alex: Paul....Paul, I'll be honest. Your client the Lazy part timer Brock Lesnar is coming to Survivor Series with no opponent since Kofi is out but Its all gonna change for him. At Survivor Series He's gonna face me!!!

Paul had a shocked expression on his face as Alex laughed at him.

Alex: I will show this fucking place my destino and I'll make sure I'm gonna rip your client apart. Piece by piece and I'm gonna make sure he's gonna meet a fate worse for him and then he will know who's the real beast around here.

Alex kicked Paul Heyman in the face as Yugoslavia and James laughed with Alex as Alex Grabbed Paul and hit a

Alex kicked Paul Heyman in the face as Yugoslavia and James laughed with Alex as Alex Grabbed Paul and hit a

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