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July 16 2019

Paige made her entrance as the McMahon family were looking at her.

Stephanie: In Times like this Paige. You will need a partner so I present to you The Constable of Smackdown Live.

Paige was shocked as she knows who it was.

Paige: I don't trust him one bit and I won't let that lunatic run this show

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Paige: I don't trust him one bit and I won't let that lunatic run this show.

For the next weeks showed Alex havoc on to other stars with his regime as He was smiling and giving middle fingers to the crowd.

July 30 2019

Paige: Since Alex wants to act all tough and wants a challenge. I'll give him a challenge

Alex just a gave a smirk as Paige gave a smile.

Paige: If you win. You can keep your job as Constable. If you lose then I will fire you

Alex: Who is it then?

The Lights closed as it revealed the demon as Alex and Balor had a stare down.

August 11 2019

Corey: This Summer is about to get violent

Micheal: And Extreme

Renee: I don't like this one bit

Renee: Alex is taking the fight to Balor now

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Renee: Alex is taking the fight to Balor now.

Corey: Who knows how long Finn balor can be on his feet?

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