
385 14 53

October 8 2019

Summer was watching some TV as She was watching Supernatural. Summer continued watching until she got up and went to look for her mom. She opened the door and saw Alex and Lacey in a Cute Position.

 She opened the door and saw Alex and Lacey in a Cute Position

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Summer couldn't help but smile at this. Alex was worn out and tired from last nights Dark match on RAW. Lacey also had a tag team match too on RAW. Summer kept giggling which caused Lacey to wake up.

Lacey: Summer Honey. What Happened?

Summer: Look where you're sleeping Mom?

Lacey was confused until she got up and saw that she was cuddling with Alex. Lacey blushed as Alex was still asleep.

Summer: You Two Look Cute Together.

Lacey couldn't help but smile as She saw Alex's face. His Hair was all over his face and he was still wearing his constable outfit.

Lacey: Well Summer. Let's not disturb Alex.

Summer: Awww Caring for your boyfriend?

Lacey: *Blushes* No I mean he looks tired so let's not disturb him.

Summer: *Sarcastic Tone* Sure

Lacey: You're starting to act like that Anarchist Summer.

Summer: Hahahahahahaha

Lacey and Summer left the hotel room as they went to grab some breakfast. Alex woke up after two hours as he looked at the time and stretched out. Alex went to take a bath as he grabbed his gear and went to the arena where Smackdown Live would take place. As Alex was packing his gear, Summer and Lacey entered the room as Alex looked at them.

Alex: Where did you two go?

Summer: Well We went to grab some breakfast Alex.

Alex: And Do you have something for me?

Summer: I don't know what you want to eat so I grabbed some beans for you.

Alex: Beans!!! Are you fuc- freaking kidding me?

Lacey: Well You need a Healthy Breakfast Alex. Not Heavy Breakfast in the morning.

Alex: I guess you're right

Lacey: Now Eat what you got. We need to get to the arena.

Alex: Alright Pumpkin

Lacey: Pumpkin?

Alex: It's a nickname for the first lady in the era of war.

Lacey: Awww Thanks Alex

Alex: You're Welcome Darling.

Alex, Lacey and Summer left as they headed to the arena. What action now awaits for the Artist Of War?

Alex was at the arena as he was fixing his Constable outfit. Alex really wanted to wear his ring attire but looks like he'll be stuck wearing this for a while. Alex decided to remove his vest and put on his favourite jacket. Alex told his Regime to come with him as he had some words to speak out.

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