Final RoadBlock

303 13 51

October 21 2019

Stephanie McMahon was in Seattle Washington as She wanted to have a talk with someone. She saw the house as She brushed her hair and rang the doorbell. She couldn't believe that it was that maniac's house and he lives in a peaceful neighbourhood. The Door opened and It Revealed to be Catherine.

Cathy: Ahh Its The Billion Dollar Princess. What Did My Brother do?

Stephanie: *Chuckles* Your Brother did a whole lot more then what I can imagine.

Cathy: Well Come In, Make yourself at home.

Stephanie walked in the house as Cathy went to grab some coffee. Stephanie saw pictures of a young Alex and Cathy hugging each other. She also a picture of Alex in a baseball outfit standing next to his dad.

???: I missed those days

Stephanie turned around and saw a women who looked close to her Fifty's and she had blonde hair.

Stephanie: You must be their mother

Rose: Indeed, I'm Rose and you must be my son's boss.

Stephanie: I am Actually. I wanted to talk to you about something.

Rose: *Chuckles* Is Because of Last Week?

Stephanie: How did you-

Rose: Who else would do that. Alex is capable of doing anything.

Stephanie: I see but you know the trouble he left behind.

Rose: Pierre was your son and you didn't want him to get hurt so Alex made sure he wont get hurt.

Stephanie: But Your Son is threatening the company and he has evidence. He also burned my dad's limo. I feel worried for his safety now.

Rose: *Looks at a picture of a Young Alex hugging his family* Did you know when Alex was Six Years old. He rode his first bicycle and hurt his knee. His Dad told him to not cry as he was gonna be there for him.

Stephanie stayed silent as Rose telling a story.

Rose: I taught my son everything when he was young same with cathy. After My Husbands Death on Alex's Eighth Birthday. Alex cared about others and puts others before himself. Sure He's Cocky and Arrogant at times but that's in the ring. Out of the ring is a sweet boy trying to enjoy life the best he can.

Stephanie: I see. I made a mistake when I blamed Pierre for everything. I knew Nikki was the wrong woman for him but I didn't seem to realise it.

Rose: We All Make Mistakes Miss McMahon. In the end We cant just leave our children behind.

Stephanie: I know and I was hurt when I thought I lost Pierre forever.

Rose: I also Fear Alex Sometimes but He's Smart and knows how to take care of himself.

Stephanie: Same With Pierre.

Rose: *Chuckles* Did Alex Really Make a big mess with your family?

Stephanie: Yeah and he even scared my dad using Moxleys Quote.

Rose: He is a huge fan of Jon Moxley and I can't blame him.

Cathy came to the living room as she had coffee in her hand and gave it to stephanie.

Cathy: Just to let you know. That Crazy Maniac is gonna be on Smackdown Live.

Stephanie: Figures since Hogan is trying to put an end to his Era.

Cathy: Who can even stop the Era of War? No one has stopped him since he returned. The Demon fell to him. Your Son Michael lost to him. The Great Magnus lost to him and now Hogan is gonna get a taste of War and Despair at Crown's Jewel.

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